You wanna kick MY ass?

I got your back, VB. If you would have picked a stronger greeting like cocksucker, you could have avoided the rest of the conversation.:smiley:

[Dane Cook]

Chief? I got your chief right here, Pal

[/Dane Cook]

Yup. He was the bigger asshole, but you started it with your jerkish bowing up because he didn’t realize the line was in a different place, and it’s a reflected by your later “I coulda kicked his ass” attitude. You come across as a guy who thinks he’s a badass and therefore you see no reason to be polite.

Too Late for the edit -

What VunderBub should have done.
NSFW audio - Dane Cook

For those of you who don’t have headphones. It’s a Dane Cook Comedy monologue about a line cutting incidence escalating at a Walgreen’s store.

I’m curious about these “aces in the hole.” If you mean weapons, you’re a coward as well as a jerk.

No weapons, but I’m not a soft target, either.

This is heading downhill fast [/voice of experience]

On that, we agree.

And then Bub goes to the same section, and gets a golf club. And Vunder goes to the garden shop and grabs a hedge trimmer. So Bub goes to hardware and gets an axe. Then he sends one of yours to the hospital, and you send one of his to the morgue!

Wait, I sort of got distracted there.

Pal - Buddy-Chief-(Bub) are officially documented as being terms that mean “it is on”.

You’ve actually covered the last 20 minutes of Comedy album. Is this a whoosh?

And I thought being screeched at by a grumpy old lady while I was in line @ the grocery store and my response was a bit mean—“I’m sorry, but it seems that you’re not the most important person on the face of the earth, so please to be shutting up now!”

I have no real clue what I did or didn’t do to piss her off. Maybe I was making her 5 minutes late to something, I dunno.

As he goes to the gun department… :rolleyes:

Whatever happened to “Excuse me, but, I was next”?

Nobody waiting in line for a prescription fill is going to be in the best of moods. I agree that threatening to ‘beat you up’ is way, way over the top. But ‘Bub’ is not a particularly good way to address a stranger in this innocuous social interaction.

I’m curious, where do you live?

I’m gonna come over there and kick your ass. :smiley:

Isn’t that just like a Bub, bringing a weedwacker to a lawn dart fight.

I find it really amusing that some of you criticizing VunderBob for a lack of decorum, are yourselves resorting to insulting him in this thread. And don’t give me “it’s the fucking Pit” routine. If you’re going to act like you’re the paragon of virtue in real life, perhaps the Pit’s a good place to demonstrate how it’s supposed to be done.

It’s called calling someone out on their bullshit.

Don’t make me come over there later!

Hey, skippy, you’re not the boss of me!

Wow, talk about deja vu! I posted a “flipped the guy off and walked away” story some months ago. (My adversary was a belligerent drunk ex-con on public transport). The general consensus was that I should have just ignored the jerk. I have since taken that advice to heart.

Maybe, but the back of the line is behind me.

Razor sharp retractable blades in your forearms? :smiley: