You! Yes, you, you psychotic hosebeast! You're FIRED!!

Doesn’t mean she won’t! :smiley: People can bring suit for anything they want, justified or no.

Sorry to be a killjoy in the thread, but be realistic - problem people tend to continue to be problem people even after they leave. Any lawyer out looking for work would be willing to write a few threatening letters on her behalf in hopes of some nuisance money. It probably wouldn’t go beyond that, but if it happens, Maureen will be called by her company’s lawyers and grilled for HOURS until they’re certain there is, in fact, no grounds for a suit.

No, she shouldn’t sue, and no, she wouldn’t win. But she might try anyway, because she’s the kind of hosebeast who would, and it’s a headache for Maureen if she does. A headache which Maureen would probably say is worthwhile to be rid of her. :stuck_out_tongue:

Everybody who is surprised that this has finally come to this point, raise your hands …

Hmmm, I don’t see anybody raising their hand.

Maureen, I think you’ll be OK. It’s good that you’ve had such a level head with this woman. It reflects well on you and your ability to lead. That having been said, there comes a point where you can be too understanding, where letting one person stay ruins the morale of the rest of the people you work with. Therefore, I agree it is time for Joan to go.

BTW: is a Psychotic hosebeast the equal of a demon to those that workship the Flying Spagetti Monster?

Fair enough, my curiousity / quibble is satisfied…

Ummm… if you’re going to fire her and there’s a possibility of a suit, is it wise to continue discussing it here?

After hearing about her escapades for the last (what, about six months?), she doesn’t come across as that bad for ONE of the things she’s done, but you add them all up and she has one major attitude problem. The last one - “So have a cow already… You’re overreacting.” - that’s total insubordination. Leviosaurus has it exactly right - if she wasn’t on such thin ice already, sending her home to think about her attitude would be right on the money. With her history, it’s simply “buh-bye.”

Ooooooh. A HUGE pet peeve with me. For some reason, all people who tend to work under or with nurses seem to want to claim that title. Excuse me, unless you have attended an acredited school, graduated and passed the NCLEX-you are NOT a nurse, goddammit! :mad:

Aides do it; receptionists in offices do it; church ladies do it; vounteers at the hospital do it.
Nail her ass, Maureen --it’s been a long time coming and is richly deserved. What does your boss say about it? (doesn’t he tend to shove this stuff under the rug? or am I dreaming that?).

I was going to say, once it gets out there that “they don’t know what they’re doing,” confirmation bias sets in and every mistake gets noticed. There are probably doctors who work with both the in-house and external clients, so it can get passed along and infect another population. In business, you’ve got to be really careful about how you present your company, even to the rest of the company.

Good on ya for firing her. I wish I had that sort of ability. I mean, I am in the position to fire people, it’s just not that easy in this country.

Case in point. I have a team of 5 people under me, who service my clients. A few weeks ago, one of our clients is visiting to attend a seminar I’m organising. The guy is early, and wants to meet up with my staff. No problem, but I tell him I don’t have time to hang with him, what with me setting up the seminar’s last details et cetera. He’s cool with that, and hangs around with my team.

Later that night, as the seminar is over, my boss approaches me and says, “You won’t believe what Jack did”. (Name fictional)

Turns out the client was curious about how important his business was to us, and started asking some questions. Fair enough. FWIW, they’re like our 4th biggest client, and I like them quite a bit. We make a decent sum of money off them (6 figures a year) and are all around nice guys.

What does Jack do? Instead of saying “you’re quite important to us and we really appreciate your business”, he opens up an internal spreadsheet detailling the 2004 revenues, per client, including kick back percentages. And proceeds to flip his monitor around so my client can see. :eek:

So, not only does my client now know there’s at least 3 companies more important to me, he also knows that some even smaller clients get a higher kickback.

Thanks, Jack. Ass.

If we had been in America, Jack’s ass would have been on the fucking street. Alas, this is Holland, and firing someone with a 30 year history in this company would cost us at least 2 years full wages. In other words, not fucking worth is.

You Yankees think you have a lot of incompetence in the work force? I invite you on a 2 month internship in a Dutch company, and then state that opinion again. :slight_smile:

Still, I fully understand Maureen’s frustration, and applaud her for firing the person.

I’m going to miss Joan… errr… at least the threads on her.

Maureen if you can, please fill us in with all the juicy details of her “retirement”.

Even educated fleas do it. Ah, for sensible firing laws: last guy I fired was quitting the company I then worked at - an English school - he was setting up a homestay business for Japanese students back in Canada, and was handing out flyers to students at work. This was in direct competition to the school’s established homestay program, which he was running down as he touted for business: this was, of course, in direct violation of his contract, and yet the dumb shit couldn’t even comprehend why his arse was being busted.

Imagine you work at at a restaurant, you thick fuck, and when customers ask what the lunch special is you tell them it sucks and hand them a menu for the place you’ll be opening down the street in a couple of months. Some people are just too stupid to be employed.

Maureen I’m glad you’re going to be rid of that colossal PITA, but man am I ever going to miss Joan threads. You’re a lot nicer than me by the way. Her ass would have been gone right then if I were doing the firing. I just don’t put these things off. You’re nice to let her have her New Year’s weekend.

This is gonna cause me to have giggle fits all day.

You should give her a cow as a going away gift. Then she can have a cow.

I’m with Seven here. I’m going to miss reading Joan stories.

Yeah, me the guy that works with 100 people that make Crankshaft look like an understatement.

Yeah! Get her a small stuffed cow and tie the pink slip around its neck and leave it on her desk.


Frankly, I wouldn’t have waited.

If she had worked for me and given her history, her ass would have been out the door while the words “have a cow” were still echoing from the wall.s

“Psychotic hosebeast”: band name!

I don’t know. Sounds more like a “friend of the band.”

I had never heard of a Flying Spaghetti Monster before your post. So I googled it. I bought a pirate fish emblem. Had to have one, especially after reading the hate mail. And I’m hijacking my own thread again. :stuck_out_tongue: Thanks for the laugh.

ExACTly. I don’t get it. Most people don’t go around pretending to be thoracic surgeons or attorneys or engineers; why do so many people, upon working in healthcare for a few months, automatically assume they are nurses? It just tapdances all over my last nerve. And no, Paul doesn’t really shove stuff under the rug so much as he delegates and then just assumes the person he delegated to will take care of the situation. I hate him sometimes.

I can’t decide whether to go with kidchameleon or NurseCarmen’s going away present. I would be so totally stoked to find a boombox shaped like a cow.

Swampy, don’t be too despondent. It’s almost a guarantee she’ll be taking this up with the labor board, and plus there’s always Tuesday, so at least one more flame out from the tool of self destruction that is my assistant. For now, though, I’m going to enjoy the silence.

Okay. :smiley: