Circumcision debate - why the obsession?

There is something I don’t fucking get about a certain subset of circumcision debaters.

I manage a large online community and in it we have an area about circumcision and a debate forum. Most folks seem to debate and enjoy it, but go on about their lives. On the other hand some few members – it seems like there are always 3 or 4 floating around – just absolutely freaking obsesses. Spending what has to be 6 or 7 hours a day, posting upwards of 300 times a day, creating name after name, e-mailing us poor shmucks who’s job it is to keep folks civil upwards of 50 times a day and then trying to draw us into the debate. (FTR I have never clicked into a circumcision debate thread here because I just can’t fucking take it and I don’t find it all that interesting anyway.)

To these people I wish I could say. “Please. Put down your dick and go get a fucking life.” But of course I can’t, because I like my job. So I’m trying to come to a more centered place and seek understanding. Because I swear by all that is evil and unholy these people try my patience and I can’t stand it much longer.

What is it about circumcision that gets people so irrationally worked up? I mean really. What the fuck? Is it just an offshoot of our worship of the almighty cock? Is it because they were circumcised and this is the manifestation of their emotional scarring? Are they just your garden-variety pervert looking for a way to pass some time? Most importantly can they please just fucking leave me alone?

Well I’m not sure I feel much better, but at least I won’t mail this off to the latest asshole and get fired.

Obligatory link.

Obligatory JDT reference.

My personal theory is that they’re sexually dysfunctional due to psychological trauma, and it’s easier to blame their problem on a lack of a foreskin than whatever the fuck is really going on behind their beady little eyes.

Would one of those people happen to be Jack Dean Tyler?

I don’t read them usually, but once I glanced through a thread on a parenting board… it was interesting to see this one fellow screaming about how it was mutilation and on par with so-called ‘female circumcision’.

I vowed to stay out of those threads ever since.

It’s the psychological impact of realizing that your first experience in the world was someone carving away at the manhood. Major symbolism there, it doesn’t surprise me some go overboard.

No, I’m not obsessed, but I’m firmly on the side that it shouldn’t be done.

I don’t get it either. I like my thing without foreskin thanks, girls like it too :wink:

did you read HOW they restore the foreskin? I am female and I wouldn’t wish that on anybody=\

also, you might do a little warning about NOT worksafe?[though my roommate Philippa sort of cant stop giggling…]

We have a winnah!

So Twiddle, which are you?

Ant-eater or fireman’s helmet?

I personally could give a shit what anyone else does to their kid and don’t get off on debate for debate’s sake, plus I only have a daughter…so honestly I dunno what I’d choose for my son.

My views are irrelevant for my rant though, these types fall on both sides of the debate in my experience.

Some people take the defining organ of their sexual identity very seriously, for some reason.

Uh, it sounds like you disagree with that analogy. What the hell do you think the difference is?


Female circs, at their extreme, are done to eradicate sexual pleasure in the girl, and can cause sex to be very painful because they’ll sew the vagina up into a tiny hole. Not at all comparable to male circs, IMO.

AKA cigar dick or hard hat :stuck_out_tongue:

(a) About the first statement: Yes. But once again, it seems disproportionate. After all, millions upon millions of Jewish, Muslim and modern American males get it on quite enthusiastically and eagerly and get off quite effectively using the modified organ upon women, men, their own hand, and unfortunate livestock every day.

(b) About the second: The most notorious forms of FGM involve the destruction of such parts of the woman as to attempt to make her “chaste” by rendering her incapable of sexual pleasure. Not the case with the boys’ procedure, at least if all the above-referenced conduct is any evidence.

(c) And as for Twiddle’s OP tormentors: hey, some people have no lives but to rant and rave about the evil conspiracies of Bush/Cheney; or about how gay marriage will lead to the apes taking over; or about how we’ve all been wearing our tinfoil hats the wrong way around; or about how the moon landings were faked (OK, these can be dealt with by getting their face punched by Buzz Aldrin); you had the misfortune of drawing the prepuce freaks as your burden on this Web. They need to find themselves some nice, adventurous girl (or boy, or combinations of one or more of either or both) who appreciates trimmed members and will distract their attention from that minor flaw.

Sheesh link up to the real threads that tear away the veil of women controlling men and destroying our sexual pleasure by cutting away the most important part of our sexual organ.
the sound the fury

I find these debates fairly interesting - I’ve always said that if I have a son, I’d never do it simply because I find it unnecessary (we’re not Jewish, nor do we have any other religious reason for it). It’s one of those things that I’ve never had a strong opinion on one way or the other (not being a parent yet, either).

Then mr avabeth and I discussed it one evening, and come to find out, he was adamant that our future unborn sons are circumcised because he is, it’s easier to keep clean, etc, and all of the various other non-religious reasons that I’ve read on other sites.

So truly, I don’t know what to think. It seems important to him, but on the other hand, it’s not particularly necessary. But I’ve never quite understood why there’s such a workup about it. That’s probably from lack of personal experience.

It’s the reason I’m hoping for daughters instead of sons.


I’m mildly annoyed by the circumcision issue insofar as it was decision that directly affected me that I didn’t get to make. But I wouldn’t call it an obsession, I mean, it’s not like I go around ranting about it or that I begrudge my parents or anything, but still. It seems to me that the decision should be left up to the individual that it affects- if the person wants a circumcision, they’re perfectly free to get one as an adult.

I begrudge my parents. Mildly.