Diddy Wah Diddy

I’ve heard it all my life…‘so and so is gonna end up in Diddy Wah Diddy’. What is it? Where is it?

There’s a great big mystery, and it sure is worryin’ me.
This diddie wa diddie, this diddie wa diddie.
I wish somebody would tell me what
diddie wa diddie means.

-Blind Blake (Arthur Phelps)

From this site:

Or, alternatively:

The last explanation being like the Big Rock Candy Mountains or Fiddler’s Green.

From the cover of R. Crumb’s Zap #1 :

Lady in the flowerpot hat: “I wish somebody would tell me what diddy wah diddy means.”

Mr. Natural: “If you don’t know by now, lady, don’t mess with it!!”

Sorry. Couldn’t resist!:smiley:

And if anyone needs a more scholarly site, the OED cites it from 1788,

And then there is this variation:

Aside from the Blind Blake tune, which has been covered by Ry Cooder and Leon Redbone, among others, there is also a completely different song “Diddy Wah Diddy” by Bo Diddley (1955), covered by Captain Beefheart (1966).

Unfortunately I haven’t been able to find the rest of the lyrics, and I don’t have the Bo Diddley album that contains the song, so I’m not sure if Bo actually ever got to Diddy Wah Diddy.

You talkin’ ta me?

Who else read this thread title and instantly thought

“Tha she was,
Just-a walking down the street…”

Even though its technically “doo wah diddy?”