Dumbest excuses?

So I’m sure everyone (male at least, though I guess the girls get some too) has had someone they’ve asked out make an excuse that means no instead of actually saying no.

I’ve got one girl that I keep asking out just to see what her excuse is. She hasn’t said no yet, but I’d be extremely surprised if she ever says yes. (and yes I’ll stop asking if she ever says no, then all the fun is gone :))

Guess what her excuse tonight was?

No, really, guess.

She’s going to be painting her fence. At 10:30 at night.

The funny thing is that she’s probably in cahoots with all her friends, trying to come up with the weirdest excuses, just because you accept them. :smiley:

I’m sorry I can’t give you any examples of lame excuses; I have to rearrange the photos on the wall of my office. :wink:

So I finally called her on the skewed statistics – 20 odd me asking her outs, all excuses, and she never said no. She called me a cunt and erased me from her icq list. Ah well, guess she didn’t find it as funny as I did :).

And I doubt she was in cahoots with her friends – she doesn’t have any, or so she kept complaining. I wonder why…

Wait… were you talking to me? Sometime this summer, I probably actually will be painting a fence at 10:30 at night.