Best way to find out if someone is dead.

OK, this is a little creepy, but I need advice.

Assume that you, an ordinary type citizen without subpoena powers or superflous funds, and want to know if someone is alive or not. Nothing else, no history check, none of that stuff. Just one or the other.

What would you do? Internet options?

The social security death index. You can google it, but I think you can find it at I check it every now and again to see if my ex-husband is still alive.

You poke him and say, “Hey … you dead or what?” Then you poke him again for the sake of thoroughness.

Poke him in the eye with a stick. That’s what Homer did to Ned. If it’s on the Simpsons, it has to be true.

As a matter of fact, Homer wasn’t too far off. Or so it seems to me. When my father died, the doctor listened verrrrry carefully for heart beat and breathing. And then, as a last test, flicked his eyelashes with a finger to see if there was any reaction. And, yes, he held a small mirror to nose and mouth looking for condensation. Sort of grisly.

for security reasons you might poke a wooden stick through his heart.

Or her heart, let’s be fair here…


Man calls 911: “I’m on a hunting trip with my buddy, and he’s had a heart attack! I think he’s dead! Should I call the police or bury him or what?”

Operator: “You can’t just bury him! The first thing is to make sure he’s really dead.”

<Bang! Bang!>

Man: “OK, he’s dead for sure. Now what?”

(Sorry that doesn’t address your question.)

He might have had a chance if you hadn’t dressed him out.

Har! :slight_smile: