Tim Conway's "Mr. Tudball" On Carol Burnett Show

I was always under the impression that they slid one past the censors with this name which I understood as Turdball.

I always thought that was kind of risque for a family oriented show, but then I might be wrong about the name.

Anyone got any opinions and does anyone else know of any other risque names or stuff hat they did?



I’m sure you’re right about the name. A lot of what they did on that show was just plain silly, but the “Mrs. a-Wiggins”/Mr. Tudball routine had me on the floor many times.

Tidball and Tudball are real surnames of English origin. There are several hundred people by those names in the U.S.

“Hah minny tahms du I haf to tell yu…”

I loved those bits.

I always heard Tudball and just thought it was a funny name in and of itself.

On the reunion show they aired a few months ago they showed a scene where Carol faced away from the audience “flashed” either Tim or Harvey at the back of the stage. They had a really startled look on their face and then started laughing. Carol spins around and flashes the audience revealing a nude body suit. At first it looks like she’s not wearing a suit though.

Just popping in to say:

“I have pencils to sharpen!!!”

That clip has been shown at least twice now, the first time resulted in so much mail that Carol had to explain that they were indeed fake. Her comment: “My breasts haven’t been that far north in years!”

Her victim was indeed Tim. He had a habit of going over the top to get everyone else to break up (e.g.: the Siamese elephants) and Carol turned the tables.

Is she Mrs. a-Wiggins or Miss a-Wiggins? I can’t be sure of my memory. If the former, I wonder what kind of person Mr. a-Wiggins is.

I always heard “Mrs. Wiggins.” BTW: Tim as Mr. Tudball wasn’t pronouncing “Wiggins” as “a-Wiggins” but as “hWiggins”, like Pat Sajack does with "White. " Tim was just overenunciating the proper pronounciation.

IIRC it was one of those cheap, rigid plastic “fat naked woman” body pieces you sometimes see around Hallowe’en (or on Pride Day), it ties on with straps.

Come to think of it, I was mistaken earlier. Tim’s comedic pronouciation would be correct if the name was “Whiggins” so maybe he really was saying “a-Wiggins.”

I always heard an ‘h’ in there, so I thought it was “a-Whiggins”.
“Hi, I’m a-happy Sam, the encyclopedia man!”

For the first ten or so episodes I saw this skit, I thought he was saying “Mrs. Huygens.”

It was Tim Conway’s put-on accent that made me realize that the Dutch name Huygens and the English name Whiggins are really originally the same name.