Real life Doctor Nick strikes! (umm ouch)

Check out this crazyness- thought you had a bad day?

To give props where they deserve I saw this first at Fark.

Still-- ouch. :frowning: :mad:

“Hi Everyboody”

[chorus] “Hi Doctor Nick!!” [/chorus]

Add your own Doctor Nick quote here:

Seriously baby, I can prescribe anything I want!

Well, if it isnt my old friend Mr. McClegg.
With a leg for an arm and an arm for a leg!
Now before we start, lets keep this just between us. One hand washes the other. Ooh! That reminds me!!

I watch alot of Simpsons.

When I saw the title of this thread, I’d just got done reading this: so I figured that’s what it was about.

And people wonder why I rarely go to the doctor.

Here’s the thread that deals with the article BlackKnight mentions.

I said it there, and I’ll say it again:

Q: What do you call the guy who is last in his class at med school?


“Oh well, you don’t need your penis! I can make you a new one!”-what Dr. Nick might say if he did this…

Useless fact: A 1999 article from the Canadian Medical Association Journal called Dr. Nick a “role model for physicians to follow in these difficult times.” The author called Dr. Hibbert a “medical Machiavelli” and that Dr. Nick, though faulty, “is resource concious and gives the customer what he wants.” My advice: keep an eye on your doctors, Canadians.

I must say, that close up picture of a scalpel right under the headline “Penis Amputated ‘by accident’” was pretty frightening :eek:

I am reminded as to why my brother in law is a doctor… he couldn’t get into veterinary school.

My favorite Dr. Nick moment: About to do surgery on Homer, he holds up a syringe and says, “This injection will make the whole operation seem like a beautiful dream!” Then he punches Homer in the head to knock him out and gives himself the shot.


[nelson] Ha ha! [/nelson]

“Don’t worry-it’s inflammable!”

I love Dr. Nick. If not just cause he’s funny, for this reason: My friends and I, while watching shows, like to compare which of us is most like which character. I, being named Nick and somewhat crazy, was decided by my friends to be Dr. Nick. They actually call me that sometimes.

“If it makes the paper clear, it’s your window to weight gain!”

<‘Doctor’ Nick Riviera>
Just look at the X-rays! You see that dark spot there? Whiplash.
And this smudge here, that looks like my fingerprint? No, that’s trauma!
</Dr. Nick>

Interesting…I usually get the “vet school is for those not capable of med school”.

I could be wrong here, but I have ALWAYS heard it’s much harder to qualify and get through veterinary school than med school. This makes sense to me, since all humans are pretty much physiologically the same, whereas a vet would have to know how to deal with the different biologies of dogs, cats, rabbits, snakes, etc. and so on.

<hee hee>

The Pit Thread that no Mod would convert to a Cafe or IMHO thread! Muahaha!

Riviera: Hi, everybody!
Board: [unenthused] Hi, Dr. Nick.
Chairman: Dr. Nick, this malpractice committee has received a few
complaints against you. [reads from clipboard] Of the 160
gravest charges, the most troubling are performing major
operations with a knife and fork from a seafood restaurant.
Riviera: But I cleaned them with my napkin.
Chairman: Misuse of the cadavers.
Riviera: I get here earlier when I drive in the carpool lane.
– “Twenty-Two Short Films About Springfield”

If Jack Dean Tyler still hangs around the boards, he must be dying because he can’t post here.

It’s my understanding that since there are considerably fewer vet schools than med schools, it is more diffrucult to get into the very top med schools than into the very top vet schools, but more diffucult to get into the bottom teir vet schools than to get into bottom tier med schools: in otherwards, any one who is in vetschool probably could have gotten into some sort of med school, though perhaps not a top-notch one.

The real suprising difference between the two lies in income: I was shocked to discover that entry level vet positions pay around 35k, and vets who own their own practice make around 50k. Since vet school costs the same as med school, meaning that vets often have 100K in student debt by graduation, this is pretty signifigant.

To get into Vet science here in Aus you need a higher entrance score than for medicine.

(my 2 bobs worth…)