F.L.Wright architecture in [I]One Hour Photo[/I]?

I saw the movie One Hour Photo this past weekend and could not help but notice that the Yorkin family’s (the family for which Cy Parrish, Robin Williams’ character, has an obsession)home has a Frank Lloyd Wright essence to it IMO. I do not recognize the building as one of FLW’s specific projects that I’ve studied, but the arrangement of windows and use of cantilevers seem Wright-ish to me.

Anybody know if the house used in the movie set was designed by Wright?

If it’s not a Wright house…I certainly think the design was inspired by Wright. Anyone else agree?

wright inspired, perhaps, but not wright. the house was thoroughly comtemporary and modern. frank wasn;t in on the whole “less is more” school fo thought, either. the house in one hour photo was somewhat stark, nothing like the intricacy displayed in flw’s homes. frank designed EVERYTHING, he even mused (only half-jokingly) of designing his client’s wardrobes.