Hypnotic chair lifting

Hi all,

I had a discussion with some friends who had done the thing where you have 3 or 4 people place their hands on a person sitting in a chair and “channel” their energy thru that person. Then everyone places one finger under the chair and lifts the person. I remember doing it in high school.

I said that it was just physics, you are only lifing 1/4 of the person’s weight. 40 lbs is not a lot to lift with your index finger. I was the minoruty though, most people like to believe in the chanelling answer.

I can’t find an explanation here and a web search hasn’t gotten me anywere. Do any of you know a place that has a good explanation besides mine?

Do a google search on “light as a feather stiff as a board.”

One of those links should give you some more info.

BTW, Welcome to the boards–and happy hunting.

Make that “Google” search.

Unfortunately none of the links I tested explained how it works, so here goes: Many people believe that even a fourth of the weight of a person would be too much to lift this way, but there’s is absolutely nothing mysterious about it. The secret is that the four lifters distribute the weight of the liftee between them while.

There’s got to be more to it than that–something about the distribution of weight or something? I can lift 40 pounds, but it takes some effort and my whole hand. I couldn’t lift 40 pounds with one finger without pain and considerable exertion, and I doubt I could hold it long.