Al Gore and John 3:16

I recieved an email with this bit of what looked like netlore about how, a few months ago, Al Gore was asked his favorite Bible verse, and he answered “John 16:3” rather than the much better known John 3:16. John 16:3 is a passage where Jesus condemns those who claim to be his followers but really aren’t. Anyway this was sent along from some of my conservative christian freinds with sort of the line that 1) this shows Gore to be a phony when he says he reads the Bible, etc. and 2) see how God made him look stupid.

Anyway, I responded that it sounded like an Urban legend, because it would have been reported by the major news media had it happened. To which he responded that it had been reported and I just missed it. Seeing as how I spent much of the fall (when this supposedly occured) backpacking through southeast asia, I couldn’t very well say otherwise.

Can anybody provide more info?

“I’m not sure that a donut is capable of handling that kind of velocity”

Well, I’m not sure, having never actually heard of this before, but it certainly sounds like an urban legend.

Of course it’s quite possible that it wasn’t, and then more questions arise. Just because John 3:16 is better known than John 16:3 does that mean that Gore obviously meant 3:16?

Was Gore making a subtle jab at the conservative right by using that particular verse?(John 16:3)(ok I’m assuming a lot about his intelligence there)

All in all it sounds like he was asked a question, answered it, and then several more conservative friends of yours decided that he must have made a mistake and so forth.
(and even if he had meant 3:16, so what? I transpose things by accident as well, I don’t really think that this is proof of his ignorance of the bible(or of god showing him up))

Remember, Al Gore invented the Bible.

Swirly Thing alert!!

As in all things, if you suspect an Urban Legend, head over to
This particular debunking is here

I sold my soul to Satan for a dollar. I got it in the mail.

I have heard of the AlGore “John 16:3” remark.

Hope you don’t mind the long post, but I found it to be very interesting.35 REASONS NOT TO VOTE FOR AL GORE, JR.

  1. Gore thinks “human civilization is now the dominant cause
    of change in the global environment.” Nevermind the sun, the
    oceans, volcanoes, and other natural phenomena that actually
    do control the environment.

  2. Gore believes that “industrial civilization” is engaged in
    a “terrible onslaught against the natural world.” Of course,
    without industrial civilization, we’d all be riding horses and
    growing our own food. Forget about cars, computers, air
    conditioning, television, telephones, plastic,
    pharmaceuticals, et cetera.

  3. Gore’s “strategic goal” is to “eliminate the internal
    combustion engine” by the year 2020. This particular kind of
    engine can be found in automobiles, trucks, vans, and a whole
    host of labor saving devices.

  4. Gore believes that the “cumulative impact” of automobiles
    “is posing a mortal threat to the security of every nation
    more deadly than that of any military enemy we are ever again
    likely to confront.”

  5. Caught making campaign finance calls from the White House,
    something that is against the law, Gore declared that there
    was “no controlling legal authority” regarding this improper
    behavior. Like any longtime legislator, he knew federal law
    prohibits soliciting campaign funds in a federal building.

  6. Gore favored a government crackdown on the tiny trickle of
    electricity used by devices like television sets, whether they
    are on or not, because it results in a steady emission of
    carbon dioxide. All his talk of greenhouse gases and global
    warming ignores the fact that 95% of all carbon
    dioxide produced annually comes from the evaporation of water
    from the oceans, decaying organic matter, and the respiration
    of human beings and animals.

  7. In October 1997, Gore told television weathermen gathered
    at the White House that global warming could be eliminated if
    the over-population of Third World nations could be
    controlled. This is a kind of Final Solution approach. The
    entire population of the world could live in Texas.
    Populations in industrialized, prosperous nations have
    steadily decreased.

  8. Gore was responsible in having Timothy Wirth named
    Undersecretary of State. Wirth is on record saying, “Even if
    the theory of global warming is wrong, to have approached
    global warming as if it is real means energy conservation, so
    we are doing the right thing anyway in terms of economic
    policy and environmental policy.” Since there is no global
    warming (the earth hasn’t warmed in over 50 years), this is a
    justification for a bad policy based on bad science. Wirth now
    administers Ted Turner’s billion-dollar gift to the United

  9. Gore has pushed hard to make environmentalism the basis for
    our foreign policy. He called it “a turning point in US
    foreign policy.” A turn for the worse since national security
    and the advancement of our economic growth is widely regarded
    as a sound basis for foreign policy.

  10. While the economy of Japan remains stagnant, Gore advised
    them in 1997 to agree to “limit carbon monoxide and other
    greenhouse gases” by supporting the much-disputed UN Treaty on
    Climate Control. This treaty exempts nations that include
    China and India. The US Senate is on record saying it will
    never approve it.

  11. Gore attended an April 29, 1996, campaign fundraising event
    at the Hsi Lai Buddhist Temple in Hacienda Heights, California
    and then called it “a community outreach” program. Three
    months earlier, his own staff had told him it was a

  12. During his Democratic nomination speech, Gore told of his
    grief over the death of his sister caused by her having smoked
    cigarettes. He neglected to mention that his family’s fortune
    had been based on raising tobacco in Tennessee and that the
    family farm continued to do so for years after her death or
    that he continued to accept tobacco industry political action
    committee money through his re-election as Senator in l990.

  13. Gore once told reporters that Eric Segal’s novel, “Love
    Story”, was based on the romance between himself and his wife
    Tipper. When Segal said this was nonsense, he disclaimed his
    statement calling it “a miscommunication.”

  14. Gore has compared the “struggle to save the environment”
    to “the struggle to vanquish Hitler” adding that this time
    “the war is with ourselves.” Apparently, the entire human race
    is now the enemy.

  15. Gore advocates that the United Nations consider “the idea
    of establishing a Stewardship Council to deal with matters
    relating to the global environment.” In other words, give the
    UN total control over the actions and decisions of sovereign
    nations worldwide. Meanwhile, the UN already has a plan for
    “global governance” complete with the ability to tax nations,
    set up its own permanent army, and now has an international
    court which can indict and convict American citizens.

  16. Gore has written that the “deforestation of Haiti, perhaps
    as much as the repression of the Duvalier regime” was the
    cause of Haitian immigration, numbering over a million,
    legally and illegally, to the US. Sure, they all left because
    trees were chopped down.

  17. Gore once claimed that, if the Republicans didn’t go along
    with the Clinton Administration’s environmental legislation,
    “our drinking water would be dirtier; (it) would make more
    people sick, and would kill more people.” This is typical of
    his habit of overstatement and harsh attacks on opponents of
    his beliefs.

  18. Gore has claimed during a 1999 interview with CNN’s Wolf
    Blitzer that “During my service in the United States Congress,
    I took the initiative in creating the Internet.” The
    preliminary discussions for the creation of the Internet took
    place in 1967 and, in 1969, the Defense Department
    commissioned the creation of the “Arpanet.” Gore was 2l years
    old at the time and it would be eight more years before he was
    elected to the US House of Representatives.

  19. Gore was a supporter of the creation of the so-called
    “Superfund” to clean up toxic sites. It was supposed to be a
    short-term program costing $1.6 billion. The program still
    exists and has cost more than $30 billion without having
    successfully cleaning up more than a fraction of sites.

  20. Gore was an advocate of the “V-chip” to permit parents to
    block out programming they considered inappropriate for their
    children. It is widely regarded as a complete failure.

  21. Despite the viewing public’s disenchantment with the
    television show, “Ellen”, starring Ellen DeGeneris, an
    outspoken advocate of the lesbian lifestyle, Gore lauded the
    star for “forcing” millions of Americans to “look at sexual
    orientation in a more open light.” They stopped looking and
    the show was canceled.

  22. A comparison between the statements found in Gore’s book,
    “Earth in the Balance”, and the “Manifesto” of the Unibomber,
    demonstrates that it is impossible to determine which one is
    the author of which statement. (See “How to Tell the
    Difference Between Al Gore and the Unabomber” on this site.)

  23. Gore is on record declaring William Jefferson Clinton as
    one of the greatest Presidents of modern times.

  24. Gore has placed some of the most radical advocates of
    environmentalism in posts throughout the Clinton
    Administration, first of whom would be Carol M. Browner,

We do mind your long political post.

Political posts belong in either the Great Debates or the BBQ message boards, since General Questions is supposed to be limited to posts that have a finite answer, which most political posts do not have

I know that this is an election year, but can we keep these sort of sloppy political lists off the SDMB? Of the 35 “reasons,” well over half are out-of-context quotes, misattributions, and a few direct lies. They do not have sufficient quality to be posted in Great Debates and they have no business in General Questions.

Please feel free to bash Gore or Bush or anyone else you choose, but put valid discussions in GD and rants in the Pit and leave GQ for actual factual questions.

Thank you.


Many thanks, surgoshan. Should have known to check snopes.

JoeP, you idiot, have you ever flown over the island of Hispanola? One half, the Hatian half, is brown, the other half (The Dominican Republic) is green. Which side would you want to live on, fool?

Thanks for not reading the previous posts, spouting mindless doggerel, and generally making yourself and the Republican Party look asinine. You’ve just made my job that much easier.

Um, sorry. I’m going to go warm up over at the Barbecue Pit now.

Sofa King,

To tell you the truth, I would not want to live on either side of Hispanola.

Notice how many Dominicans and Haitians are coming to America these days.

And you LIBERALS are supposed to be caring. Your personal attack is so “Mean Spirited”.

Remember that church guy who went to all the major sporting events with a sign that said, John 3:16?

It’s wellll known as that.

JoeP, did you write the list you posted? It appears to be from a website. If so, did you get permission to repost it from the copyright holder?

For anyone who didn’t click to the Snopes site, they not only disproved the allegation that Gore misquoted the Bible, they also found who actually made the mistake; George W. Bush. (This according to conservative Christian columnist Cal Thomas.) So I guess everyone who declared they wouldn’t vote for a candidate who would make this kind of error knows what to do now.

And you CONSERVATIVES are supposed to be compassionate. At least until the election’s over anyway.

JoeP, I apologise to you for my inflammatory remarks. This is supposed to be a place where opinions are valued, and I have overstepped my bounds. While it is unlikely that you and I will ever see eye to eye, I can’t deny that you’ve certainly given me something to consider.

Actually, Little Nemo, the Snopes site attributes this Biblical blunder to George Bush in 1990. I would assume that they would be referring to George W. Bush’s father, so I don’t think that we should hold this against G-dub (past drug use and general ignorance are other matters.)

Why then, didn’t Cecil mention this or correct it in his two columns:
What’s with those “John 3:16” signs that people hold up at football games?
Is the guy who held up those ‘John 3:16’ signs at sports events in jail for life?

Sofa King,

Why can’t we all just get along? Peace!!!

We can get along when you stop lying.

There are active threads in the Pit to bash Gore. Your post was garbage, and now there are no good solutions.

  1. We could patiently debunk your bullshit.

This would cause incredible amounts of work for intelligent people, as opposed to your plagiaristic and possibly illegal C&P job. Not to mention that it probably would come to late do undo the emails that soft headed twits have sent out with your little list C&Ped in.

  1. Manhatten or NickRZ could delete your post.

Of course, that would mean also yanking all the following posts which talk about your list.

  1. This thread could be moved to the Pit.

There are already active Pit threads on this topic.

  1. The thread could be locked.

You garbage would be left on display, unchallenged, until this topic dropped of the page.

Thanks a lot, nimrod.

Conservative, don’tcha know. BUT
Above All, Accuracy

It’s what’s for dinner.
Brought to you by IATeALeC*
*Indiana Academy Teen Association for the Legalization of Cannibalism.

I’m surprised the moderator has allowed the politically incorrect posting of propoganda to remain here.

“They’re coming to take me away ha-ha, ho-ho, hee-hee, to the funny farm where life is beautiful all the time… :)” - Napoleon IV