Fellow techs

In my quest to streamline my stupid Windows 98, I came across a task that was running but can’t figure out for the life of me what it was for.

The task was “pstores.exe” the file is described as Protected Storage Server, under the NT operating system.

I checked the MSDB, but nothing came up under that or under “protected storage server”…any ideas?

It’s not running right now, I deleted some registry entries for AIM, it was launching at startup – the boogers, I don’t use AIM.

Anyhow, the programs I had been running since my last reboot are:

IE 2000
FrontPage 2000
RamBooster (great program, I highly recommend it)
AOL 5.0
Windows Explorer

I think that’s it.

Any ideas? If so, what’s the purpose of this?

Also, having Dr. Watson running under Win98 is one of the few things I think was an improvement over Win95…“he” is a handy guy to have around.

That should be:

Outlook 2000
IE 5.0x

According to this site (in the highlighted section), PSTORES installs as part of IE4, but is required to run Outlook Express 98. Since you are running IE 5.0 and Outlook Express 2000, I’m not sure if that info is relevant.

In an exerpt from another site:

Sorry I couldn’t be of more help. If I find time later, I’ll research it a bit more for you.

It does have something to do with IE. http://search.microsoft.com/us/itresources/SearchMS.asp?IntCat=0&IntCat=1&Boolean=PHRASE&Nq=NEW&qu=pstores.exe

The Stanley Cup: A repeat is in the STARS!

Here’s an article that’s seems to know a little about it.

It seems to be for storing secure passwords and such. The article has more to do with NT, but the program is part of IE so it should be the same.

Here are a couple of other articles about it, but they don’t explain much.
http://www.suite101.com/article.cfm/nt_workstation/11004 http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/Q251/7/87.ASP

Hope that helps.


I just put psstores.exe in the search box for Netscape & found this little gem from some computer guru:

'I checked TechNet and the MS web site. I found a few hits, but nothing useful. The one helpful piece of
information I did find was that it was associated with the Protected Storage service. I fired up Control
Panel - Services and, sure enough, there was a service named Protected Storage running. I could have
simply stopped that service, but stopping a service that I don’t know the purpose of seemed like a bad
idea. So I searched some more, this time for “protected storage.” This time, I found enough hits to learn that
Protected Storage is installed when one installs Internet Explorer 4. I still don’t know what Protected
Storage does, but I wasn’t planning to use IE4 on this test bed machine anyway, so it seemed safe to stop
the Protected Storage service. I did so, and the machine continues to run with no apparent bad effects."


Thanks for all the links…

Adam, I don’t know how you found that. I was in the support area through Direct Access (I am a reseller as well). I used the same keyword as you!

Anyhow, thanks again :slight_smile:

what’s rambooster?

Check out my site:
Chief’s Domain

Ask Demo about it, he is tickled pink over this program.

It’s a small program that keeps track of your physical memory. Since Windows can’t manage memory very well, it get’s rid of programs that are still stuck in memory long after they have closed out.

Also, it has an alarm that goes off when that memory is too low.

PC World highly recommended it so I checked it out. Demo said his reboot times are also better, which I think I believe…

Best of all it’s free!

Hope this link works for PC World’s description.