Stephen King: Good or not?

I’d like to hear what you think oh him and or his books.

There’d be more “gore” than “goo” in his books, surely? :slight_smile:

Besides, I think this should be in Cafe Society forum, SmileyDeath. Might pay to ask the mods for a move.

I think he is quite goo.


I sent a email to Czarcasm. Although, last time I sent a email to a mod it went unanswered.

Stephen King? Goo? Does Mr Goo know about this?

Maybe when they move it, change the “goo” to “good”.

That explains a lot more than it should…

I always thought he was more phlegm. Sometimes he’s rather mucous, though.

As long as you ask them nicely. Maybe promise 'em chocolate. :slight_smile:

Mind you, you might get away with just making the “G” lower-case. From what I know of Mr King’s work, that’d be fairly apt …

For a semi-serious answer: I liked his earlier stuff quite a bit! Of course that does not mean that a thousand years from now people will be calling it “great literature”… but he was a fine genre writer during his early career.

I especially liked It and The Stand (even the lengthy original version).

However, IMHO[sup]*[/sup], his more recent work is just disturbing. Dreamcatcher, for example, was an unpleasant reading experience for me. Sort of like chewing on tinfoil…

[sup]*I haven’t read all of his more recent books, so take this with a grain of salt.[/sup]

Goo goo ga choo!

In the afterword he says that he wrote it while recovering from that van that hit him so was in a depressed and weird state of mind. He also says his wife hates it. I didn’t like it, but IMO it’s not representative of his recent work.

I really like the non-horror stuff he does. My favourite stories by him are Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption and The Green Mile.

Also, any short story he does that either not horror or not physical horror I really like.

Moderator’s note:

Next time try sending it to several mods. Since we do this gig around jobs, families, etc. there are stretches when individual mods aren’t online. If one isn’t immediately available, another will cover.
If it’s an emergency, send it to all of us.

Moving this to Cafe Society.

IMHO mod

Y’know what. I think future generations will know King far better than any modern “non genre” (as if middle aged white guys whining about their lives wasn’t a genre unto itself) author.

I think King is a great author. I’m actually reading The Drawing of the Three (Dark Tower II) right now. Good stuff. I don’t think he is just another big author who spits out books every year. I’ve read many of his books and my only complaint are some are too long! At least he doesn’t drag the books, though; Tom Clancy sometimes drags and it sucks ass. King just writes books with a lot of depth.

I love some Stephen King works and others suck wombats. I think the problem is he’s so prolific that quantity sometimes overtakes quality, but there’s definitely quality.

The best (imho): Salem’s Lot, Pet Semetary, Carrie, Misery, Dolores Claiborne, Four Seasons (the last three have nothing to do with the supernatural)

The worst (again, imho): The Talisman (with Peter Strand), The Stand (had great moments, but the ending was totally unsatisfying), The Shining (although it has gazillions of fans), Cujo, Christine (just plain turr’ble), and Thinner

His book “ON WRITING” is fantastic as well- it’s basically writing guide crossed with autobiography.

Even though I think he’s had a lot of misfires, I think that King has been royally screwed by the legion of bitter critics out there and wouldn’t be at all surprised if some of his fiction is still being assigned along with Hemingway’s and Borges’ fifty years after he’s dead. Unfortunately he made the unforgivable sin of getting very rich from his works and that pretty much assures not being taken seriously as a “real” author while living.

King’s written books I didn’t care for: Cujo, Christine, Tommyknockers, The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon. He’s written books I enjoyed, but wouldn’t read again: Rose Madder, Desperation. But, more than any other author, he’s written books that I’ve loved, loved, loved: Misery, The Dead Zone, The Dark Half, The Stand, It, The Green Mile, all of his short story collections, including Everything’s Eventual. The list goes on, but I think you get my point. I like his sense of humor. His phrasing seems a little show-offy at times, but mostly he gets it right. Right now, I’ve been listening to the tape versiion of Stephen King’s On Writing, read by the author himself. Parts are laugh-out-loud funny, and so far, none of it has been boring. Of all the authors I read, he’s the one I’d most like to sit down and have a conversation with.

BTW, it always bothers me when people say, “Oh, if you like Stephen King, you must like Dean Koontz”. As a matter of fact, I dislike Koontz very much. I find him condescending. I’ve read several of his books (I did enjoy Watchers) at the behest of my sisters, and almost invariably end up thinking, “That’s a heck of a plot line. If only Stephen King had written it, I bet it would kick ass!”

Just MHO

Public Service Announcement : Stephen King is not, I repeat not Goo. Thank you :wink:
[/ PSA]

I’m agreeing with Sampiro. Some of his work is very good, IMO. And some of it tragically sucks. I much prefer his non-horror works and short stories, though he had a few horror gems. Definitely falls into the ‘good’ category IMO, when he gets it right, it’s excellent reading.

Bette lat the neve.