Books that deserve burning?

Okay, so I’ll readily agree that book burning is generally a bad thing. But, honest to God!

Normally, when I don’t care for a book I’ve bought, I’ll take it down to the second-hand shop and at least get a couple of bucks back. But twice now, I’ve finished a book and just loathed it so much that I physically destroyed the book rather than let another person go anywhere near the turkey.

(I can’t name the books; I’ve finally managed to block the titles from my memory. But the authors were big names in their fields, so I could look them up if I wanted. I don’t want.)

Anyone else with similar experiences?

I agree that generally, burning not OK.

Books I have personally destroyed? That guy who wrote Bridges of Madison County. I read ‘Slow Waltz at Cedar Bend’, or whatever that book was called. If it is indeed a ‘slow waltz’, how apt. So boring. So annoying. So pretensious. I threw the book in to the paper recycling.

I found American Psycho really awful. I have read good things by the author, and yes, I know it’s a parody, or self aware, or whatever - but I just found many passages to be horrific. Couldn’t burn it though, it was a friend’s copy. If it was mine? yeah, I probably would have chucked it.

Nope. It’s weird but I’ve never really hated a book. In fact, I think the only book I ever quit reading after more than 10 pages was Interview with a Vampire. I didn’t really hate it, it just got boring and I was uninterested in the story and characters about halfway through.

What the hell, I’ll be the first…Atlas Shrugged, The Fountainhead, the Left Behind series and the very worst book I’ve ever read…The Sword of Shanara.

Burn them, burn them all!

The only spanking I ever recieved at the hands of my mother happened when I was four, and it was because I had ripped pages from a book.

Since then, no matter how excreble I find a book, I cannot destroy it. I’m a voracious reader, and I don’t like libraries, because they want the books back, thus a sizable part of my income goes to I have learned the hard way that one cannot always depend on the customer reviews.

I take the ones I dub a Waste of a Tree to the local used-book store, which is primarily stocked with Harlequin Romances from the late 80’s. No matter how bad the book I am selling, it can be no worse than what they carry in profusion.

Dammit, someone beat me to the Left Behind books :frowning:

Lissa! You feel the same way I do about libraries!!

Funny thing is, both of the books I destroyed were by authors whose other books I’ve enjoyed. Maybe that was part of it – an obscure sense of betrayal, or something.

While I in no way endorse book burning, a Sidney Sheldon novel once almost made me start a little fire right there in my living room…

Mercifully I have forgotten its title, but I hazard the guess that all of his novels probably are pretty similar.

Mein Kampf (My Struggle), by Hitler

I wanted to beat Thomas Harris and Ira Levin about their heads with hardback copies of Hannibal and Son of Rosemary, respectively.

Anything EVER written by John Steinbeck… god if I ever wanted to commit suicide I’d read his collected works and die of despair

Many years ago, closeout book stores were all the rage. Most of the time you could some great deals, sometimes not. I was in the fiction section one day and a book entitled The Building. I don’t recall the author. It was about a run down apartment building in New York. IIRC, there was very little in the way of proper punctuation. After about three chapters I had to put it down. This was probably one THE worst pieces of crap I had ever (tried to) read. I didn’t destroy it (SACRILEGE!), but I did drop it in a Goodwill box. Hopefully, someone bought and could enjoy it.

Burning books is a SIN!

Fahrenheit 451!

Just kidding, I liked that book. But oh, the irony!

The complete works of L. Ron Hubbard. I’d buy them just so I could burn them, but that would involve giving my money to whoever owns the rights.

Mind if I ask why? Did you find it to be a particularly poor written or boring book, as the OP entails?

I must share my secret book shame: back in the 80’s, I bought the entire Invader’s Plan in HARDBACK! I had no idea who Hubbard was. After numerous changes of address, I found these in a box. I had discovered what Hubbard was all about. This was the ONLY time I ever destroyed books and I hated myself for doing it spite of what I had found out. Believe me, if I had known, I would NEVER have even read the dust jacket.

“Suzanne’s Diary For Nicholas” nearly had me lunging for a matchbook. And like others of you, I revere books and can’t stand to see them thrown out!

hmmm… how about Crossroads of Twilight, the latest installment in the interminable Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan.

Actually, I take that back - I’d just burn half of it… and half of each of the previous two books - then I’d glue the remaining pages together to make one book that actually went somewhere. Now if only RJ or Harriet had done that we could have had a decent book that didn’t take 6 freaking years to develop some actual plot.

goes back to hammock, sniffing and braid-tugging along the way