Vodka in the freezer

Here’s one that I’ve been losing sleep over for weeks: why do people put vodka, and not any other liquor that I know of, in the freezer? What gives?:confused:

I keep gin in there so the martinis are colder. I’d suspect that’s why people keep vodka there, too - colder drinks.

I’m not sure about the freezer, but many shot type liquors are often served chilled.

Examples: Tuaca, Jagermeister, and Rumplemintz.

Ditto the above.

Re: the obvious followup: Why the freezer and not the fridge?

The freezer keeps it colder, and liquor (unlike watery drinks) generally doesn’t freeze at Frigidaire temperatures.

I used to take an large tupperware type container (the type you might put spaghetti in) fill it with water and the vodka bottle leaving only the top of the bottle above the water. After the water freezes you can pull the whole thing out and it looked really cool (and the vodka was really cool) and it seemed to impress chicks.

Asked and answered.

I used to put my vodka in the freezer until my pineapple vodka started getting syrupy. Now it’s back in the cabinet.

Always keep your tequila in the freezer!

Wouldn’t that keep the tequila from bottle aging?

I know some people who put the vodka in the freezer and it freezes to slush, not very hard but slush bodies floating around. At first I surmised that the vodka must have some water in it, that’s why it isn’t ever 100 per cent alcohol because of the proof number, so naturallement the water is the part that freezes. They should turn down their freezer thermostat if they don’t want their vodaka to freeze, I guess. Here’s another question about vodka. why does cheap bar vodka taste like gin?

They probably fortify it with Pine-Sol cleaner …

It keeps it nice and cool for the perfect dry vodka martooni.

The other “light” spirits chill up there nicely as well. The darker ones - no. YMMV

(must try that spaghetti container trick)