"... she has an appointment to get her uterus scraped."

This was said to me by a friend of mine (lets call him “B” as in “blabbermouth”) about his girlfriend, in casual conversation. Casual as in:

Me: “hi!”
B: "Hey, what’s up? I was just on the phone with my girlfriend. She’s fixing luch. She has an appointment this afternoon … [you know the rest]
Me: “… oh … uh …”
B: “yeah – so what’s up with you?”


Let me start by saying that you are a stupid, irresponsible git. I know you well enough to guess that you probably weren’t exercising any particular caution, and now look. But do you seem to care? No. Regrets? I don’t know – I got the impression that to you, an abortion is like a dental appointment or something. :smack: :wally

See, you are making me break out in smileys, you STUPID IMMATURE FUCKWIT. If it were any of my business, I would be whacking you upside the head with a clue stick by now. YOU ARE 27 YEARS OLD. YOU SHOULD KNOW BETTER!!!

Which brings me to the thing I am really angry about. This was none of my damned business. Why did you tell me? I didn’t ask. I don’t have the right to make any judgement regarding this, since I really don’t know the whole story, but since you told me, I can’t help having a reaction to it. Of course, I can’t FIND OUT more of the story, since IT’S NONE OF MY DAMNED BUSINESS!

I know you are perfectly happy blabbing the most intimate details of your own life to the world, but do you think you could think for a minute about your girlfriend? Do you think she wants you yammering to everyone you know about her personal issues? I was absolutely mortified on her behalf! I suppose it is a good thing that you aren’t bringing a child into the world, because you have NO FUCKING SENSE!!! (literally) :mad:

OK, I feel better. A little.

From the bit of conversation you’ve provided, how do you know he was talking about an abortion, specifically? I can think of multiple reasons a woman might “have her uterus scraped,” having had some cancer scraped off my cervix a couple of months ago.

That said, no matter what it was, he’s still a prick for discussing the condition of ANONE’s uterus in a public place.

Eva, you are correct. I do not know %100 for sure that he was talking about an abortion, but I am pretty sure. It was the way he said it, the look on his face – wink wink, nudge nudge, know what I mean?

I’m not going to ask for clarification, because, as I already mentioned, it is none of my business in the first place.

Oh my. Let’s all hope he was talking about a Pap smear and he couldn’t quite make himself say it.

Oh my God.

I hope that this guy’s incredibly crass and inappropriate off-the-cuff (or off-the-jock) remark was just an attempt at a joke, an attempt to cope with the strain. Getting into a scrape like this (sorry–couldn’t help it, myself) would bring out the crass jokes and dark humor in me. (I think I’d handle it a little better than that, though.)

Are you and he close enough that he would tell you about something like his girlfriend’s abortion?

If it wasn’t a joke and you guys aren’t that close, I hope his girlfriend decides to use selective celibacy from here on in. (i.e., I hope she stops sleeping with this loser.)

I though abnormal uterine bleeding was the main reason for scraping the uterus, not necessarily abortions.

Well, we’re fairly good friends, and I wouldn’t be so pissed off if he wanted to tell me about it and how he was feeling about the whole thing, as long as:

  1. it wasn’t on a crowded street corner
  2. as part of a very casual conversation
  3. in such a flippant fashion.

He has been a blabbermouth about plenty of things in the past. I would have assumed, though, that something that related to him in such a personal way would be subject to more tact. I guess not.

Band name!

Scrape me
Scrape me my friend
Scrape me
Scrape me again
–from “In Utero”

When I saw the thread title I thought “pap smear? ok. . .”
He might be slightly less crass than you think (still crass, though).

“Having your uterus scraped” is a good way of describing a fairly routine procedure called a “D and C”, for “dilation and curettage”. It doesn’t always mean an abortion.


Also, a D & C is usually done in a hospital or in an otherwise sterile environment, and frequently requires sedation or anesthesia, whereas a pap smear is a simple office procedure with no meds. A pap smear does not involve “having your uterus scraped”. In a pap smear, you have your cervix scraped, which is the neck-like opening to the uterus. But it’s possible that he thinks that that’s what a pap smear entails.

Was she going to the hospital, or to the doctor? If it was just a simple afternoon doctor’s appointment, it was probably just a pap smear. Or it’s possible that she was going in for an “endometrial sampling”.

Put me in the “yeah, that was probably WAY TMI, but I’m just not convinced it was an abortion” camp. Mostly because there’s just too much information missing. The “wink wink nudge nudge” attitude you described isn’t even enough for me to believe that it was an abortion. Perhaps he was just trying to “be a guy,” and not impart any fear that there may be a more serious problem, such as the one Eva Luna described. Or perhaps he simply didn’t understand some of the other reasons other a woman would have her uterus scraped, as given by DDG.

Best of luck to your friend’s girlfriend, though, and I hope it isn’t serious.

Regardless of what was being done or why -

… that still makes it pretty fucking rude. I’m sure he’d be thrilled to hear if his girlfriend was telling his buddies that he was at the doctor “having his ass probed in-depth” or something worded similarly.

I wish I could get my uterus scraped…

But the young man the OP mentions may not realize that a pap smear is not getting your uterus scraped, and therefore said it in a joking matter.

Well, admittedly, I am jumping to certain conclusions. I realize that there are other things he could have meant, but it is still my opinion that he wasn’t talking about any of those things.

On reflection, I think his exact words were, “… she’s getting her uterus scraped out …” (italics mine)

Anyway, I hope it is nothing serious. If it was an abortion, I imagine he might want to discuss how they’re handling it, once he’s done being a dumbass. I mean, since he already told me, and all that.

Now that my initial shock has worn off, I am worried about her health.