I broke my kitten's leg this morning...

Not on purpose, mind.

I was walking to the bedroom, going to get dressed for work, when he came tearing out and crashed into my leg, throwing me off balance. As I tried to catch myself, my foot came up and down right on top of his left forearm. I didn’t hear any nasty breaking noises or ear shattering caterwauls, so I figured he got a squished leg and nothing else.

I got up, and he was limping around, holding his little paw up around his cheek. Wouldn’t even let it sit on the ground when he was standing still.

Worst part was when we had to bung him up in the carrier to take him to the vet, he was so scared he kept pushing and jumping his way out of our arms, which must have hurt. A lot.

X-rays showed a clean break right across the forearm. And the nature of the break means that a splint won’t do. He’s gotta have surgery tomorrow to have a pin put in. In the meantime, he’s sitting at home, tranked to the gills. Poor l’il booger.

I broke my kitten’s leg this morning, and I feel awful.

I’m sorry Calvin.:frowning:

Aw! :frowning:

I’m sure he’ll love you just the same. Give him lots of love and he’ll be fine.

It happens. I fell on top of my (about 3 mo. old at the time) puppy’s leg once, and he screamed, and completely went into defense-mode–he bit me in a couple of places. The biting only lasted a few seconds, though, then he let me carry him home. Turned out he only had a deep muscle bruise, but it was awful nonetheless.

I told the vet how awful I felt about it, and she reiterated that it happens all the time. She even had a friend, a fellow vet, who killed her small dog by tripping over it–broke its neck. So don’t feel too bad.

Poor kitty!!

Don’t feel bad, it wasn’t on purpose.
Give your kitty lots of love and affection for me! :slight_smile:

Poor puddy tat :frowning:

Good on ya for taking him to the vet and getting him all fixed up.

Hugs and scratches to you both.

Evil Canadian kitty torturers! Always making it look like an accident! Evil evil evil!

No seriously, it’s an absolute stone bitch that it happened. Is the pin going to be permanent or will it come out at some point? Poor Calvin, us all down here in DC wish him a speedy and full recovery. And that he doesn’t avoid you like the plague forevermore.

Well I’m glad your kitten will hopefully be ok. I think everyone steps on their kitten or puppy when they are growing up. They are pretty tough however so don’t feel too bad. It’s not like you did it on purpose and it sounds like your doc will have your kitten fixed up very soon. Let us know how the surgery goes.

Poor little kitty, and poor Aguecheek, too.

Kitties are forgiving, though, he’ll be purring and headbonking you again in no time.

Poor kitty! Don’t worry, he will forget all about the pain you inflicted upon him in oh, 10 or 12 years.

Just kidding. He knows you didn’t mean it. Poor baby!


It won’t teach him to stop craching into you, though. If anything, he’ll probably do it more, with claws out, grabbing at your ankles, to get back at you. :smiley:

Olentzero, he had it comin’, I tells ya! He’d stolen my Tim Horton’s just the other…week! Yeah.

Thanks for the thoughts guys. I’m not sure if the pin’ll be permanent or not, but if it is, he’ll have something to tell the ladies when he’s older ('cause that’s all he’ll be able to do, anyways!)

Seriously, though, I am kinda worried about his psyche. His mother was dumped and he was born in the wild, so he’s always been a bit (read lot) shy around strangers and loud noises. We’ve finally managed to get him out of his shell in recent weeks, and I’m worried that this might cause him to retreat into himself again. When we first got him, he’d do nothing but hide in a corner for hours on end and not let anyone near him.

Nothing to do but wait, I guess. Again, thanks for listening, and I’ll make sure to let everyone know how the surgery turns out.

Geobabe broke our cat (a little bit) about three months ago, but he still sleeps on her head, so he’s forgiven her.

I am so sorry! Good luck with the surgery tomorrow.

Great. Add something else to the long list of reasons why all cats are trying to murder us in our sleep.

Poor baby! And here I feel terrible if I step on a dog’s paw, and those of you with dogs know how LOUD they are when you do that!

I’ve stepped on cats before, but I never actually injured one. Your kitty will be fine, though. I’d feel terrible too!

He was FINE a couple of days later.

Aw, poor baby!

Give Calvin hugs from me! Any pictures?

Aguecheek, I know exactly how you feel. I managed to break my dog’s leg. I was carrying her and tripped over the baby gate. She needed pins, too. Just know that now she’s back to normal and still loves me. I know how bad you feel, but it’ll all be ok.

Don’t worry, baby…cats are forgiving.

Yeah, right. :slight_smile:

Well, I’M forgiving, and I FORGIVE YOU!!!

[sub]just tell Calvin, when he is feeling better and you find him sitting at the foot of the bed with a potato gun…“HEY! SCOTTI FORGAVE ME!!!” and see how far THAT gets you! :wink: )[/sub]

Love you darling…how come we never see you around much anymore?



{{{ Aguecheek and Calvin }}}