Your case with Judge Judy: Men, would you really go??

Honestly I hate her but my girlfriend absolutely adores her so I have walked in and sat down on more than one of her cases. One thing gets to me though. I means its obvious that men have a big ass pit to climb up out of in her eyes as soon as they stroll in the freaking courtroom with something dangling between their legs. The shrew loves to rail em into the boards.

My question is, if you knew you were going to have to have a case with her, would you go for it? Why do these men?

Oh and to answer a question, my girlfriend asked me if I would and I said no because I would be held in contempt by going toe to toe with her in a screaming match. Not a lot of stuff riles me but she does and I would be damned to let her try that crap with me. So no, I would ask for Miles Lane myself.

I know that I have put you through hell, and I know that I have been one rough pecker. But from here on, you are all in my cool book.- Seth Gecko From Dusk Till Dawn

I would only go if I had a rock-solid, air-tight case against a woman. She’s even tougher with females that have, in her opinion, screwed up.

Dools, if you went toe-to-toe with her you’d lose. It’s her courtroom. Her show.

It’d be an unfair battle with you ultimately going up in flames. Even if you got a few good shots in, they’d end up on the editing room floor.

Heath Doolin, I beg to differ with you. At the time of this writing I have seen some Judge Judy segments in which, not only does she find for the man, she chews out the woman for good measure.
Case in point, show of December 1. A policeman in Hermosa Beach, CA, brings a damage suit against a woman for filing a false police report against him. He had pulled her over for going 30 mph over the speed limit. She was confident in court that she could win; she reckoned without the cop’s audio recorder; Judge Judy listened: None of the claims the woman had against the man stood up. She sharply chastised the woman for lying to her. She found for the man–and this is just one example of how Judge Judy is not biased against male parties in her court. :slight_smile:

One reason I might subject myself to her wrath is if my opponent had a good case which I might lose in a “real” court. Since the judgement comes out of an amount supplied by the producers of the show (it used to be $3000, but I think it has risen to $5000), it would be a good way to discharge a debt without reaching for the wallet. I am sure that some litigants arrange this in advance of the show, because they don’t argue very much, and don’t seem particularly upset if they lose.


“Believe those who seek the truth.
Doubt those who find it.” --Andre Gide

For the most part they don’t, Thufferin. But I actually heard one losing litigant say that Judge Judy was on the take! On the air yet!!

I’d go before her in a heartbeat. I think she’s great. From what I’ve seen, she:
a)hates being lied to (as any judge should)
b)has little patience with foolishness

I don’t see a bias against men, just a low tolerance for liars, cheats, scumbags, and dumbasses. Oh, wait a minute…that does describe most of us…

Come on…you know damn well that women can be liars, scumbags, and dumbassess too…

What I want to see is Judge Judy vs. Dr. Laura in a Death Match.

Ok ok I acquiese. Maybe I just see the wrong type of shows on occasion. Sorry its either the Simpsons or her.

I like her. I think real court tv is the new ambush.

Like Jerry Springer ambushes people too. But with court tv, its real people, real cases, real stuff, people get ambushed, creamed, their person lives, jobs, relationships etc all brought for the world to see. fun

Judy doesn’t like people on welfare though, or people not giving child support.

I love Judge Judy! I hate it when someone interrupts her or the other party in the case… What are they, stupid? HELLO? The Judge is the one deciding the case. Why are you doing something that pisses her off? It’s just common sense, something many of those people must lack. If you’re in court, it just makes sense to do the following things:

  1. Be polite!
  2. Speak only when spoken to!
  3. Have your evidence ready!

It is much easier to see ourselves as better than or even worse than, rather than accepting that we simply are. - John “The Penguin” Bingham

Judge Judy I don’t mind. It’s those stupid Dr. Laura callers! Frankly I don’t see how she stays so restrained. :slight_smile:

I wouldn’t go near that psychotic bitch! She’s obviously got some serious problems.

I found this little tidbit about her while playing around on the web last night :

"On tour to promote her new book, “Beauty Fades, Dumb Is Forever,” she suggested that instead of attempting to control AIDS and hepatitis by providing clean needles to drug addicts we should “give them all dirty needles and let them die.”

Wow! Such a powerful disregard for human life! One gets the feeling that if this lady was around 200 years ago, she’d be the one burning Indian villages to the ground and then throwing the displaced surviving natives smallpox-infected blankets to keep them warm.

If I was a mean-spirited person like her, I’d hope that her daughter sleeps with some of those dirty-needle junkies. If she even has a daughter that is. That frigid old cow probably hasn’t gotten any in 50 years.

What a mean old woman…

Well, if the quote is accurate, I quite agree that it was a ghastly thing to say and a terrible opinion to hold. However, I’d like to see it sourced a wee bit more carefully before leaping to condemn.


PUFF – Do you have a cite for that quote? I would be very surprised – amazed, in fact, if she said that or anything like that. I mean, love her or hate her, she is not a stupid woman and that would certainly be a supremely stupid thing to say.


Fiat Justitia

I’d go on in a heartbeat, if I had a dispute that was appropriate. My wife had told me the same thing that ThufferinThuccotash mentioned: the cash award (if any) to the winning party comes from the $5,000 appearance fee budget that the disputants otherwise split. (I thought it was a UL, but I’ve since seen legal disclaimers at the end of that and other similar shows that spells out that arrangement – though usually without mentioning the dollar amount.)

So if someone sued me for $3,000, I could go on Judge Judy, not really bother to defend myself, and still walk out $1,000 richer. (Plaintiff gets the $3,000 awarded by JJ, then the two of us split the leftover $2,000.) So if you’re suing for less than $2,500, it really makes sense to go on JJ: you won’t get less than that even if you lose. Why do you think the people on the show don’t seem to care if they win or lose? They’re getting paid either way.

…but when you get blue, and you’ve lost all your dreams, there’s nothing like a campfire and a can of beans!

Here’s a copy of the article as it appeared in a Brisbane newspaper:

Here’s a column about it by nationally syndicated writer Arianna Huffington (whose columns appear in the Los Angeles Times, New York Post and Chicago Sun-Times, among others) :
The quote got no media coverage in the U.S., as Huffington points out in her article.

Judy is almost as irresponsible as the government of Uganda which refuses to tell its citizens to wear condoms, despite soaring AIDS infection rates, and 500 AIDS related deaths a day.

Thanks for the sources. She said it in Brisbane, the audience cheered it. I am staggered; both at the content of the remark and the fact that she said it. One less admirer of Judge Judy here.


Make that two. Damn, what a dumb thing to say.


Fiat Justitia

Her beauty (if it ever existed) has long faded. Her stupidity is self-evident.

Didn’t like her before. Loathe her now.

I wish her idiotic statement had received more coverage here. Blatherings like that could have caused enough heat to get her yanked off the air.