Do Nuns get paid?

Watched a commercial yesterday: it shows a nunery (sorry if that’s the incorrect word, but for the life of me couldn’t think of what it would be) with one nun who has an internet connection and a VISA card.

It got me wondering - do nuns get paid?

There are cloistered nuns and secular nuns. Secular nuns who live in the community as teachers, social workers, nurses, etc. do get paid. In the past it was standard practice for a nun to give her salary back to the religious order in exchange for room, board and a small living allowance. These days, with more members of religious orders living alone or in small groups, traveling, etc., I don’t see why a nun shouldn’t have a credit card.

I understand all the words, they just don’t make sense together like that.

I went to a catholic university. All the nuns get paid a very small stipend depending on their vows. My history teacher got paid about $50 a month for all of her teaching and she had one of the stricter vows of poverty. Everything that she did was pretty much paid for and if the nuns really needed to do something (like go to a relatives funeral) the convent would pay all the costs.


SqrlCub’s Arizona Adventure

Hmm, I always that’s why they called them Nuns.

“How much money do you make?” “Nun”
“How much sex can you have?” “Nun”

“In this life you must be oh so smart, or oh so pleasant. For years I was smart. I recommend pleasant.” -Elwood P. Dowd in “Harvey”

oops-- that should be “I always THOUGHT…” (damn mind goes faster than hunt and peck fingers)

I have a little experience with nuns.They scare the crap out of me, yet I am endeared to them. My mom is an ex-nun. Wellll, she never took the final vows because she thought they all had a stick up their asses ( my words, not hers, but it summarizes what a bunch a sourpusses she thought they were.)But that was 50 plus years ago.

Back then, women of large catholic families
( As if there are any other kind) who did not want to marry/were too ugly to marry ( have you ever seen a pretty nun in real life?), family was poor and could not afford to send Suzi to college, the only way for this girl to get an education was by joining the convent. The orders available then were essentially: Nursing, Teaching and Cloistered. This way they had their education, housing and a job. However, most did not have any retirement plan and when they become too old to teach, go to the Mother House and wait to die. The Mother Houses operate on a shoe string budget.

Nowadays, if a young woman wants to enter the convent, she has to prove that she can financial support herself. This way any crackhead cannot join the nunnery and sponge off the sisters of Our Lady of Perpetual Motion.

Unless the nun is part of an order that has strict vows of poverty, they do get a small stipend that lets them take care of incidentals & personal items (room, board and other major expenses are covered by the order).

I’m not aware of any particular restrictions regarding internet connections, but I’ll make a WAG and say that something like that would probbaly be established for general use by everyone in the convent, rather than for an individual nun.

BTW, I once knew a priest with an American Express card… why not a nun with a Visa?