How do you get semen stains out of jeans?

Here’s a question. I have seen CSI, and other forensic shows that use black lights to find semen stains and blood stains, and other bodily fluids. They seem to show even after washing the clothing, how do you get these stains out if you had too. Just curiosity!!!:smiley:

It should be mentioned (but usually isn’t) that washing machine detergent shows up VERY well under a black light. In fact I’ve seen many a dorm room that looked perfectly normal in regular light, but at night with black lights on you can see the walls are covered with detergent (think graffiti style).

If you are a real man, or woman, especially a couple, any bodily fluids aren’t wasted on the clothing or the sheets. :slight_smile:

Curiosity, my ass.

As someone who has had to ban her husband from using ivory and white towels in certain, er…instances, I can attest to the fact that multiple applications of bleach doesn’t do it.

WAG, mabye some sort of “enzymatic” stuff, like you’d use on pet stains may do it. Though if we’ve learned anything from Monica Lewinsky, drycleaning should do it.

Though if we’ve learned anything from Monica Lewinsky, drycleaning should do it.

She kept it, didn’t have it cleaned, and they matched DNA from the dress with DNA from Mr President.

Personally, I don’t blame her. Not for not having the dress cleaned, but for blowing the president. I mean, c’mon! He’s the PRESIDENT. I can guarantee that if I said, “Honey, the President wants me to blow him.” My husband would say, “Go right ahead honey, make me proud!”


Personally, I don’t blame her. Not for not having the dress cleaned, but for blowing the president. I mean, c’mon! He’s the PRESIDENT. I can guarantee that if I said, “Honey, the President wants me to blow him.” My husband would say, “Go right ahead honey, make me proud!” **

More women like you would make this president alot less stressed

Unless my blowjobs can magically make a man less stupid (and they definitely don’t do that), I doubt this president would benefit at all. And that’s coming from a registered Republican.

BTW, there’s a “quote” button on the lower right-hand side of this box my post is in, right next to the “edit” button. That bounces you directly to a “post reply” screen, with whomever’s quote already all nice and formatted for you.

And welcome to the SDMB. :slight_smile:

Why thankyou i find this place amazing all my question sanswered like its nothing its great

You’re quite welcome. We’re a good bunch of gramatical, punctuation and fact obsessed people. Most of us…the rest are a bunch of pervs.

Well said, DuckLips.

I know my semen. :smiley:

And no, you can’t quote me on that.

You mean you’re passing up that great sig opportunity Sue? :smiley:

Borax & water might do the trick. I wonder if has any hints? They would probably call them organic stains.


:::d & r:::

roadrunner70, enjoy this one instance of being omitted from the perv pool cuz it ain’t likely to ever happen again. :smiley:

Ivory? What’s wrong with using Ivory?

I do believe you’re parsing this incorrectly. Try it with “ivory” as an adjective rather than a noun; thus: “…using (ivory and white) towels…” instead of “…using (ivory) and (white towels)…”

Meat tenderizer. Soak the garment in water with 2 or 3 tablespoons of meat tenderizer for 20 or 30 minutes before washing. The papain dissolves the protein. If you’re doing the soak in a washing machine, let the machine agitate the detergent and tenderizer for a minute, then shut it off for 20 minutes. After that, just run the regular cycle.