The Family - New reality show

So, anyone catch this last night?
Here’s the link to the website. I thought it was pretty good myself. Seemed like a real family to me, although it was obviouse they picked family members that would rile things up. I like that the servents are the ones that decide who stays or goes. Although the one social director seemes a bit uppity to me. He needs to realized that the family members are from a different class of people, and cut them a little slack as they get adjusted.
I liked the premise at the first auction when they were spending the money from the prize, and was disappointed when they gave it back.

Anyone else watching?

I’d watched it when they ran three or four episodes last winter, and checked in last night. What a loathsome bunch of people they are – despite my fondness for the out-of-it snarkiness of George Hamilton, I switched over to “Cupid” at 10 and won’t be watching the rest of it.

Considering my weakness for any and all reality shows, I find my snobbish aversion to these people odd – but you don’t need to have gone to a snobby prep school to know that “please” and “thank you” are always appropriate.