Women: How often do you get "horny"?

I’d like to get some idea of what the female sex drive is. Being a male, I’m rather clueless about such things, and the real life women I know are reticent about this. So I turn to the internet, hoping that the relative anonymity that this forums enjoys may elicit more forthcoming responses.

Ladies: how often do you desire sex? How often do you masturbate, if at all?

I’m a man, but I just wanted to let you know that I’m here. This is going to be sweet man. :smiley:

Hardly ever, much to my chagrin…and my husband’s. It’s not his fault, or mine either, to my knowledge. It started being this way about the time I had my hysterectomy, but it actually started a bit before that. It just got worse after that.

I think it might be something physical…maybe hormonal. I just know I’m tired of it. :frowning:

As a man I am really interested in hearing the answers you can give. It would also be helpful if you gave us an idea of how old you are. For some reason this seems to be a great area of mystery for men.

Women just know that men are horny pretty much all the time.

I’m guessing you were asking the women to give their ages. If so, I am forty three. However, I had my surgery over eight years ago, and I guess the “horny factor” left about a year (maybe more) before that. In my case, I really don’t think my age had anything to do with it. I have a couple of friends a good deal older than myself who seem to want sex all the time! (Lucky old bats!)

If you weren’t talking to us, pretend my post is invisible!

Bear in mind that I’m not getting any, and haven’t for a while, therefore my answers may be skewed. Oh, and I’m 29 (well, 30 in about a month).

I have different levels of horniness. There’s the “oh, sex would be nice today” type as well as the “Oh my god, I am so horny I can barely stand to have clothing touching me” type.

The first type happens maybe 1-3 times a week. The second type, maybe twice a month, normally around ovulation - it’s pretty much how I time my cycle.

Masturbation? Maybe…once or twice a month, but then other months, not at all.

This may come as a real shocker, ** Blalron**, but it varies so much that the question has about as much validity as “Women, what’s your haircolor?” I’m not saying that it’s wrong to ask the questions or that the answers won’t be entertaining–I’m just saying that they will be useless if used to predict any woman other than the ones that post here.

All hope is not lost, however: when you are in an on-going sexual relationship, you’ll find out about that woman in particular. But don’t assume anything.

I actually don’t think the difference between men and women is that great when it comes to horniness. It depends on the individual and as you might suspect they are all across the board. I’ve known women who were totally disinterested in sex and others that were nymphos and most shades in between (if you graphed it you’d get a typical bell curve). I think men are just motivated more by sex. That is, it is more of a central theme to what we do (we work so we can make money to attract women so we can have sex, we shower so we can attract women so we can have sex, etc.). Women seem more likely to put it to the side and do whatever else needs doing and then get back to it but it certainly isn’t forgotten for them.

Just my opinion…

My hubby and I are both 30.

If I had my way I would have sex approximately every other day. We usually aren’t that structured so we will have sex every day for three days and then take a couple of days off or some other variation.

Having a 2 year old and a baby on the way kind of messes with our ability to spend too much time alone and naked so we work to make the most of the time we do have.

I agree with MandaJo though that sex drive is not something that will be constant with all women or even with one woman over the course of her life. There was a time when I thought never having sex would probably be the best thing to happen for me.

And like Lsura sometimes it is a ‘sex would be nice’ kind of thing and other times it is the ‘now now now now’ kind of feeling. Both lead to a different quality of sex. I’ve dubbed the range ‘generic sex’ to ‘wild monkey sex.’ Those and everything in between have their places in my relationship. I’m afraid I don’t have a graph for when and how often each occurs :slight_smile:

As for masturbation, I don’t really - if I’m feeling like I’d like an orgasm hubby is pretty much always happy to help. The ones he gives are preferable to the ones I can give myself.


Just a thought but I’ve noticed that when I haven’t gotten any for awhile my interest in sex decreases. I know I want it and will certainly take the opportunity whenever it arises but it does seem that my horniness frequency/severity decreases. When I di get back to it I then remember how much I missed it (taking care of yourself is all well and good but a partner makes things so much better…usually). I do not know you and I am not trying to say you should or should not do something but if it is a lack of sexual activity maybe dipping your toe back in the pool might rekindle the flame. Then again it might not…just a thought.

Almost always - and almost never.

One of the advantages of a live-in BF :slight_smile:

This is an interesting thread. Honestly, I think that many women are horny just as much as or more than men. It has a lot to do with how aware of their own sexuality they are–society still has a long way to go with regards to accepting female sexuality, “Sex and the City” aside. :wink: And then there are those who, despite their best efforts, can’t get horny, just like there are men who can’t get it up. Shrug…

ANYWAY, I’m 19 and I’d say I get horny fairly frequently (and want sex a LOT more often than I can get it right now since my boyfriend and I aren’t in the same state at the moment. :(). Not sure “how often,” but I will frequently masturbate once or more a day…sometimes there’ll be a few days in between if I’m just not thinking about it much or am busy.

I’m pretty much obsessed with sex…even when I’m not horny, I want it.

At 19 you’re a walking hormone. It’s not that teenagres don’t count towards this but I think they seriously skew the stats (not that there really are any stats). Society has changed alot but biological programming has a long way yet to catch up. From mother nature’s point of view the late teenage years are prime breeding years. I don’t mean to peg sex with something so clinical but all that horniness does come from somewhere. Your BF at 19 can’t even think straight for this very reason (your BF in math class – a[sup]2[/sup][gawd I’m horny]+b[sup]2[/sup][gotta call BornOfStardust and beg her to come over]=c[sup]2[/sup][wonder if I can get her to bring along her girlfriend] :wink: ).

That said I say enjoy it! (With the usual caveats about being safe, etc.)

I don’t know, Whack. When I was 19, I didn’t particularly care for sex. My thoughts were wrapped up in my son, work, paying bills, etc. etc. and I’d say that there were days at a time when I didn’t think about sex at all. Not that I didn’t have sex then, I just wasn’t all that interested. Now, I’m 34, and I’m definitely more of a walking hormone now than I was then. Like some of the others have posted, there are days when I’m so horny it’s hard to focus on anything else at all, and other days when it just sounds nice. I really do think sex drive varies with each individual throughout their life cycle.

I’ve calmed down a bit now that I have a boyfriend. I’m 21 and a year ago when I was sexless, I used to masturbate between 3-8 times a day. Now I have sex/masturbation as much as I can. I am good with once a day, although sometimes I’d like a little more. :slight_smile:


Sounds to me like you’re making up for lost time or it’s a sort of delayed effect. At 19 with the responsibilities you listed I’m not surprised sex was low on the list. It must have been nearly overwhelming. It seems you now have more of a chance to indulge some of your needs and you’re taking advantage of it and that’s great. Sounds like you deserve some play time.

hey Blalron, i don’t know if you’ve seen this other thread (Do you feel like you are the one who has to initiate sex in your relationship?), but you might find it interesting for the comments of women in it.

A few times a week is enough to keep me happy, if not more. I’m 18, and in a long term relationship.

And I Do Know How To Press The Shift Key.

i simply chose not to. :wink: