The rainy season here in tropical New England

Yes, a weather rant. We have had a stretch of weather here that can only be described as tropical. It hasn’t been especially hot-we’ve had highs in the mid 80s F- but I don’t think we’ve gone 24 hours without some precipitation in the last two weeks, and high humidity the whole time. We’ve had quite a few heavy downpours, and a couple of days where it rained off and on all day. This is on top of the very wet spring we had. The pattern the last few days has been thunderstorms in the late afternoon, like this was Florida or something. My pumpkin plants are in danger of rotting away. I swear I saw a three toed sloth in the tree outside this morning.

I hear Europe is roasting, and much of the Western US is very dry, and hot as well. How’s the weather where you are?

i’m just a couple of states down. it was so foggy this morning we couldn’t see 1 block away. as i was walking to work i was astounded by the amount of huge, really tuffet sized mushrooms in the parkway. the amount of slimy green on buildings is amazing.

if i wanted to live in a tropical local i’d be collecting moths with princess olga in panama.

The weather here has been pretty much identical to you Laughing Lagomorph. It would be nice to have one or the other for a change. I’m planning on hitting the cottage this weekend to take down a chimney so i would like it to be dry at least.

By the way, I’m in Toronto :slight_smile:

By the way, welcome to the SDMB!


I heard the heat abated in Europe somewhat today…any Eurodopers out there?

So…I thought I heard a rumbling outside around 1 this afternoon. I checked the weather forcast and they said " Sunny, high of 82" with no rain predicted until the weekend. (it rains every goddam weekend) Since there are frequent military planes overhead - I guess they go to Pease - I figure it was plane, not thunder. But planes don’t last 2 hours and cause rain! You would think they’d be able to predict the day’s weather, wouldn’t you? I know asking today for tomorrow’s weather is a bit much, but an accurate picture of the current weather…

If this rain keeps up I’m going to need a machette to carve a path to the dog to feed him soon!