2002 Ford Explorer Transmission Fluid

Can someone out there tell me how to add transmission fluid to a 2002 Ford Explorer? I managed to be really stupid today. While working on changing my oil, I drained three quarts of transmission fluid. Much to my surprise there is no dip-stick (except for me). There is nothing in the owners guide, and I haven’t been able to find much of anything out there anywhere. If anyone has any information that would help I would greatly appreciate it.

Thanks, dnate

If there is no dip stick, it must be a manual trans. Look above the drain hole, there should be a plug in the side near the top of the trans. This type of plug often does not have a bolt like head but a square hole that a 3/8" drive extension should fit into. Remove that plug and add fluid until it starts to run out - park the truck on level ground.

This is not a manual trans. The manual on this ford does not show a dipstick or tell you how to check or add fluid. They refer you to the dealer or a qualified mechanic.

It is filled at the factory with a synthetic fluid. Supposedly never needs servicing under normal driving conditions.

Oops, forgot the main point I was trying to make.

It takes special tools to fill the transmission. No dipstick and no fill tube.

Apparently, there have been great advances in transmission filling technology, and Ford is on the cutting edge. No longer do you have to mess with archaic dipsticks and appallingly stone aged fill tubes.

You are so much better off this way. :wink:

DAMN!!! What a PITA!

I always hated the way a manual trans had to be checked and now even the automatic is the same way.

So it sounds like my procedure is the method to use in this case for any type of trans, just run the automatic through the gears (to heat up the trans and fill all the valve body workings), level vehicle, pull fill plug with 3/16", add fluid until it begins to pour out.