Doctors - Attempted Suicide ER Procedures Needed

First, there is no danger of anyone killing themselves here, I simply need some factual information.

If a person is brought into the ER having overdosed on pills in an obvious attempt at suicide, their stomach is pumped and by the next day they are ok, what, if any, follow up should (or does) a hospital ER do? Do they call the cops? Do they do a mental health screening? Is there anything done to try to make sure the person doesn’t do it again, or is the patient simply sent home?


In my experience, suspected atempts at suicide usually merit an investigation in the hospital by either a social worker or mental health worker.

The patient won’t be discharged until that happens.

Unfortunately, a close friend of mine recently attempted suicide. He did not go to the hospital until 2 days later, so I don’t think they pumped his stomach. But after they did extensive tests to determine that he was ok physically, they transferred him to the hospital’s ‘behavioral health unit’, i.e. mental illness section. They kept him there for several days while he saw a psychiatrist, went to group therapy, etc. The doctors gave him medication (an antidepressant and an antipsychotic, since he was also hearing voices and having nightmares). When he left they gave him a prescription for the meds, and an appointment to see a different psychiatrist at an outpatient clinic.

**Do they call the cops? **

Depends on the locality. In some places, attempting suicide is a crime and in others, it’s not.

[joking] Attempted suicide is a capital offense - the penalty is execution. [/joking]

Well, you’re not far off!


(Emphasis mine.) Source: