Songs forever associated with movies

Help me name some songs that, for whatever reason, are now forever linked to a movie.

For instance, I now can never hear Stealer’s Wheels Stuck In the Middle With You without thinking of the scene in Reservoir Dogs.

So, excluding songs written specifically for a movie, what other songs always remind you of a movie sene?

Do James Bond title themes count?


“Ride of the Valkyries”, associated with Apocalypse Now.

Take My Breath Away” by the band Berlin will always make me think of that sex scene in “Top Gun”.

Likely because it was a very formative scene for me in many ways.


Bohemian Rhapsody is, of course, associated with Wayne’s World.

In Your Eyes is assocated with Say Anything

I Had The Time Of My Life = Dirty Dancing
Don’t You Forget About Me = Breakfast Club

Toot, Toot, Tootsie sung by Al Jolson in The Jazz Singer.

As Time Goes By sung by the piano playing drummer, Dooley Wilson in Casablanca.

Born to be Wild in Easy Rider.

Rhapsody in Blue played to stunning effect over beautiful black & white montages of New York City in Manhattan.

The Lust for Life footchase/monologue in Trainspotting.

Danny Boy during a glorious mobster shoot-out in Miller’s Crossing.

Brazil in Terry Gilliam’s Brazil.

The Power of Love by Huey Lewis and the News in Back to the Future.

Hip To Be Square, also by Huey Lewis and the News, in American Psycho.

Forever Man by Eric Clapton in SpaceCamp.

It’s the End of the World As We Know It by REM in Dream a Little Dream.

“Mirror in the Bathroom” and “I Can See Clearly Now” in “Gross Point Blank”

Was “Eye of the Tiger” by Europe written specifically for Rocky?

A formerly obscure piece named “Thus Spake Zarathustra” will now forever be identified with the movie “2001”.

Ravel’s “Bolero” is now often associated with “10” and Bo Derek

“The William Tell Overture” is now thought of as the Lone Ranger theme.

Elton John’s “Amoreena” always makes me think of the movie “Dog Day Afternoon”.

It wasn’t by Europe, but by Survivor. And I think it existed before the movie, but I’m not sure.

This is the end by The Doors, I’ll always associate with Apocalypse Now, in addition to Ryde of the Valkeries.

“Louie Louie” and Animal House

“To Sir, With Love” - Lulu.

Don’t remember the name of the movie, though

‘Singing in the Rain’ for A Clockwork Orange. I can still see the scene, despite the acid wash of my cerebal cortex.

The first song that popped into my mind was from The Wizard of Oz.
o/~ Somewheeere…over the rainbow…

That was probably written specifically for the movie, though. So that probably doesn’t count.

“Journey of the Sorceror” by the Eagles always makes me think of the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy BBC miniseries. That’s probably too much of a stretch, though.

How about “Tubular Bells” and the Exorcist?

IIRC, that was also the name of the movie :slight_smile:

“Moonchild” by King Crimson will always make me think of Christina Ricci dancing at the bowling alley in Buffalo '66.