Conservative Hatred for Europe

Why do conservatives has such hatred for Europe? I goes beyond the recent Iraq situation. There seems to feeling from conservative that Europe is an “evil” society and America should have nothing to do with it. Why is this?

You want it in alphabetical order ? There are many reasons. Most Europeans for example accept:

  • Gays and Lesbians openly

  • Gay Marriages

  • Marijuana use

  • Welfare and Social Security !!!

  • Taxing the Rich more

  • That the Environment is important

  • Racial Differences

  • Month Long paid vacation

  • Sex as a normal thing

    Most don’t accept:

  • Religion as a major factor in their lives

  • Religion mixed with Politics (Germany is a possible exception)

  • Big differences in earnings of the Rich vs. Poor

  • Uncontrolled Pollution

  • Uncontrolled Greed

  • Media monopolies

Too funny…have you stopped beating your wife yet?? :wink:


No, unless she asks me too stop… :wink:

Well, I was actually formulating a measured response to the question, but since the usual hate machine crowd has showed up so soon, I’ll just stick to dispelling some of the factual errors that have occurred in the very first post.

  • Gays and Lesbians openly: Well, except for Romania, Algeria, The Vatican, Austria, Ireland, shall I go on?

  • Gay Marriages: Name, oh, five European countries that have gay marriages.

  • That the Environment is important: Because, of course, the U.S. has no environmental law and there’s no pollution in Europe.

  • Racial Differences: Bahahahahaha!

  • Sex as a normal thing: What?

  • Religion mixed with Politics (Germany is a possible exception): Many European countries have an official state religion, funded with tax dollars. And they sure don’t mind mixing religion with politics when it comes to banning religions they don’t like.

  • Big differences in earnings of the Rich vs. Poor: Well, except that many of the more dynastic fortunes exist in Europe, some extending hundreds of years and some so rich they get to call themselves royalty!

  • Media monopolies: European media is much, much more concentrated than in the United States, a remnant of when much, most or even all of the broadcast media was (or is) state-owned

As for actually answering the OP, no. I won’t. Maybe another conservative will take a fair crack at it, but I’m sick of the cartoonish crap from all the little decembers on the left.

Possibly because most attempts to limit american influence have come from Europe. ICC, WTO sanctions, Galileo alternative to GPS, banning english words, banning american movies, trying to patent names like Parmesan Cheese, Euro competing with the dollar.

Personally, I’d be distrustful since they started two world wars, and all.

Yeah we’re a load of Jew hating nazis here in europe.

Why do threads like this get started here instead of the pit? The only point of something like this is to piss and moan about how evil we conservatives are.

OTOH, at least we know the difference between usage of Have and Has, so maybe " Liberals are so dumb" would make an interesting great debate. You know, for balance. :rolleyes:

Actually, some of the dumbest things I’ve heard quoted are things that conservatives have said. But if you can give me some examples of Liberal stupidity I’d be glad to read and laugh at them (grammar errors excluded)

I agree Manhattan. We should introduce some evidence based data into the discussion. Although, Rashak Mani does have a point about the environment. The US not being a signatory to the Kyoto protocol. Also I understand the US EPA is more about public health than protecting ecosystems and biodiversity.

In a recent study, summarised in Scientific American (december 2003), a survey of 77 countries from around the world shows that there is a big difference in modernity between the USA and countries like Sweden, Norway and the Netherlands. The protestant European countries being more ‘modern’ in terms of freedom of expression and freedom from traditional beliefs. Note that this survey was undertaken prior to the ‘war on terror’ which had undoubtably moved the US even further backwards in terms of freedom.

I suggest it is this differnce in ‘modernity’ that creates the dislike.

You can’t exclude grammar errors! That’s why you all think Bush is so dumb. " He says nuclear wrong huh huh huh. Bush talks funny, he must be dumb." While I wouldn’t stake my life on it, I bet there are at least as many threads on the SD calling him stupid for his grammar and diction as ones calling him stupid because of his policies. So obviously it’s ok by dems to judge someone’s intelligence on their manner of speaking and writing…


Well, I guess it all depends on how you define terms like ‘modernity’ and ‘freedom’, I guess. I would wager that most conservatives and libertarians (I’m adding in libertarians because I think they have a similar dislike for Europe) would feel much less ‘free’ in Europe than they do in the US because ‘economic liberties’ seem to be much less there.

Talk, and type are two different things. I doubt Pepsi Classic would have said ‘has’ if he was speaking that OP. GWB does talk like an idiot. I am not saying that’s proof that he is. But For some reason I am still inclined to believe he is dumb.

In a loose sense - A person’s way of speaking is a reasonable guide to their intelligence isn’t it? Are you going to tell me that a person who says ‘nucular’ and invents words, and responds in an extremely monosylabic way to questioning is just as likely to be intelligent as a person who’s speech is articulate?

Why is dislike (‘hatred’ seems a bit strong) by conservatives for Europe any more surprising than, say, conservative dislike for liberalism or European dislike for American conservatives? Groups that disagree with each other on political and social grounds tend to start to dislike each other and believe that doing things the way the other groups wants things done is a bad idea. Is there anything novel about this?

In the study modernity is measured in along two axis. One derives from questions about attitudes towards religion, respect for authority and patriotism. The other derives from questions about physical security, trust in other people, gender roles and personal happiness.

Intuitively I suppose we see these European countries as ‘modern’ anyway, something to aspire to. It is the direction that society has been moving ever since humans started grouping together - away from superstitious, survival based society focussing on basic needs.

Do US conservatives hate or dislike Europe? Apart from the disagreements over the Iraq situation? That’s news to this European. Do you have any of those cite things, to help me dispell my (obviously far to rosy :slight_smile: ) view of US attitudes towards Europe?

  • Goes to dig bomb shelters in the garden, just in case. I live in an oil-producing theocracy, after all. :smiley: *

I don’t see Americans as spending a great deal of time even thinking about Europe. I so see Europeans spending a lot of ink thinking about America.

The Cold War ended. This century will not be about a conflict between the Russia and America. It looks like a struggle between the North and South (or maybe not). In any case, Europe is not critical geographically anymore.

Further the EU is still getting its internal act together. It will take decades to do so. Until it does, Europe will be unable to act to protect or project itself elsewhere.

As of now, and for a few more years at least, Europe is not important. It seems to me the Europeans are having a hard time accepting that.

If the OP hasn’t got a cite for conservatives “hating Europe”, s/he’s trolling. And, of course, s/he hasn’t because it’s irrational to hate a land mass.

Waht the hell does “hating Europe” actually mean for God’s sake . . . a particular policy or policies of the EU, the continent . . I have no idea.

Why do peope fall for this idiocy ?

If the OP hasn’t got a cite for conservatives “hating Europe”, s/he’s trolling.


You know what I meant. I will pull up some cites for you. Until then go read almost anything by Limbaugh (either one), Coulter, Hannity, O’Reilly, etc.

Typical Eurotrash response. If it weren’t for that pesky landmass to our east, we could sail straight to Asia! The lucrative spice trade would be ours! Err, wait a minute…

I certainly agree that many conservatives dislike certain aspects of some European politics. It takes less than a rocket scientist to figure out why, given that European politics tend to be a bit to the left of American politics. But other than some provincial-types, there is no general dislike of all of Europe. Of course, with the given OP, it is difficult to see what he means.