Does anyone know the name of this movie?

I have been recalling a scene from an early 80’s horror film, but can’t remember anything else about it. It was one of those bizarre David Cronenberg type films. The scene I am remembering is quite nasty, so if you dont want to get grossed out, leave now.

I recall a scene that has this disgusting giant “thing” growing on the wall above a bathtub where the showerhead would be. It purposely resembles a vagina. This slimy vaginal thing lays some sort of egg, and if I remember correctly, this vaginal looking cocoon thing started out as a woman. I think it “eats” someone too. This movie, I can recall, was quite gruesome throughout.

It is NOT the 90s remake of “Invasion of the Body Snatchers” which also has a nasty bathtub cocoon type scene. I thought it may have been “Lifeforce” but that does not sound right. And no, it wasn’t “Aliens.”

I know I don’t have much info for you guys to go on, but I am hoping the scene was disgusting enough that someone remembers what it was. If only I had a collection of Fangoria magazines… sigh. I will try the IMDB, but I don’t think I have enough clues for the search engine.

Do you recall any actors who were in it? If you can’t remember their names, perhaps you have seen them in other films? Can you also think of any other scenes?

And when you say a David Cronenberg type film, do you mean an actual David Cronenberg film that was written and/or directed by him? Or a film similar to his style?

Was it “The Thing” ?

Nope… my attempts to identify it seem to point to “Lifeforce” but I haven’t confirmed it yet.

I don’t think it was “Lifeforce”… I’ve seen that movie several times, and I don’t remember anything like that. I thought I had seen most every gruesome horror movie released in the 80’s :D, but I can’t remember that particular scene.

FWIW - “Lifeforce” involves vampiric space aliens that invade London, and is most notable for featuring Patrick Stewart in possibly the worst and most embarassing role of his career. (Actually, that movie was very probably the worst and most embarassing moment for most of the cast, but I digress :wink: )


Kind of sounds like something from… Species? With Natasha Henstridge. There was a scene sort of like that, if I’m remembering correctly, in a bathroom on a train or something. Anyway… could that be it?

Species is my guess. That was only a few years ago, though.

I think it’s Species - my six year old wouldn’t take
a shower for days afterwards - shades of Psycho?

Excuse me missy, but youre going to confuse some people. Since I am peaches8. Oh well, as long as everybody knows I am peaches8, this woman here is calling herself peaches, not to be confused with me.

I think it’s Species too. I have two questions though.

-I saw this movie once, ages ago, don’t know what it was called but it had a woman dive in to this huge pool and swim underwater. When she went to surface, the water was covered with something and she drowned. Anyone?
-Second one is even more murky, a guy in a padded room with all of these crazy people attacking him and biting him. When he finally gets out (don’t remember how) he goes to maternity ward. He meets up with a woman carrying a baby. The woman had to argue to get the baby out of the nursery as it’s time to feed them. The man is all bloody leaning on the wall for support. As they are carrying the baby down the hallway the others in the nursery start crying, the formula was poisoned. Any takers??

This one I know: The Legacy (1979) check it up on the IMDB.
The pool has a retractable plexiglass cover, that someone deliberately activates after she submerges.

THAT could be it! I remember something to do with a train also.

Regarding the latter question, could it be The Brood?

(IMDB details right here

Bump from the past

Anybody ever figure this out???

It had to be a zombie movie.

Post 12 seems to indicate it was “Species”.

Welcome to the board kyuss. Just an FYI, old threads that get resurrected are referred to around hear as zombies. It’s generally frowned upon to start them up again so don’t be surprised if this gets closed/locked by a mod.

It isn’t if the movie you wanted actually came out during the early 80s. Species didn’t come out until 1995.

yeah, exactly.

To be honest my wife is trying to figure this out,
she brought it up about a week ago, out of the blue.
All she remembers is basically what the OP said.
It’s not Species and I don’t think it’s Lifeforce.
I joined this forum hoping the OP was still around,
we found the OP’s post by Googling the following
Oh well, maybe someone will have seen it.
Probably on syfy at 3 A.M.
Also, my wife is convinced the letter “X”
is part of the title.

Here’s how old this thread is: it was starting in MPSIMS because Cafe Society didn’t exist yet. :wink: For now I’m going to leave this one open in case the answer is out there somewhere and hasn’t been posted yet.
