Airline pilot wants to know your religion before taking off

Talk about shattering your hopes of a relatively crash-free flight. From CNN:

I guess not. They were too busy looking for the nearest emergency exit and calling their loved ones, Christians or not.

Praise Jesus for lifting up the Gospel! Them people ought to be plumb glad their pilot wasn’t Raptured, so’s they all would have a chance to git right with the Lord! The unsaved have no right not to hear the Word cause these here United States is a Christian country, so it stands to reason that Christians oughtta have more rights than anybody else. Anyhoo, I bet them hellbound sinners was right glad to have one of the Saints even sit near them, let alone talk to them about the blessed, blessed joys of self-denial and unceasing hymn-singing up yonder in Heaven. Lessen, of course, they was a Jew or an evolutionist or some such, cause ain’t no helpin’ some folks.

Ya know, the pilot was a tasteless jackass, and doubtless his airline is gonna spank him for this.

But front-page coverage on seems like overkill…

Yeah, whatever happened to just quietly telling someone to not bother coming back to work?

No passengers raised their hands, Austin said. 

Nobody believed he had a co-pilot?

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: OUCH!

Dammit, doncha just hate it when your eyes roll so far they whack into the back of your skull?

I wouldn’t find it comforting to know that the pilot of a craft I’m in is probably looking forward to his/her afterlife. I want someone flying my plane who’s really fearing death.

Feh. See how far he’d have gotten if he was Muslim. They’d have carted him away.

Considering that many of the passengers were worried that the pilot might do something, I think that a pilot scaring his passengers is pretty big news.

The pilot apologized to the flight attendents for causing them trouble, but didn’t apologize to the passengers. :rolleyes:

From reading the CNN report, it seems the plane was already airborne when the pilot made his ‘greeting’, but if I’d been on that flight, I think I might have been slightly inclined to mutiny. I hope the airline does a bit more than ‘spank’ the jerk.

I’m glad CNN announced this. I won’t be flying American ‘Christian terrorist piloted’ Airlines, you betcha!

It certainly seems this pilot should be prosecuted under the new anti-terrorism laws, doesn’t it? I mean, he made ALL of the Christian passengers afraid enough to deny their religious beliefs, right?

And just a few weeks away from Good Friday (before the cock crows twice…)

OK, maybe the passengers were all Jews, Buddhists, atheists, Muslims, Scientologists…

How long before we start hearing protests in the papers and on the 'net complaining about AA’s persecution of poor God-fearing pilots, and/or how atheism has taken over airlines that were founded on the bible?

How long until xian protesters start picketing AA?

How long until Bush agrees with them publicly?

My guesses are Wed the 11th at 9am EST, Sat the 14th at noon, and never, respectively.

My guess is never, never, and never (or at least not in any kind of significant numbers).

Fundamentalist evangelicals are scary for soooo many legitimate reasons that this seems like a silly thing to harp on…

How long until we start making ridiculous predictions based on the actions of one airline pilot?

Oh. We already started doing that.

Why? It’s closer to front-page material than Janet Jackson’s boobie incident was, and look at all the coverage that has gotten.

And I’m with tdn – I wouldn’t be surprised if I start getting chain-emails telling me that this incident is “another example of Christian persecution in the United States, oh woe is me.” :rolleyes:

Depends on what you define as significant, but I’ll stand by my bet. Time will tell.

Well, I fly alot and I’ll never fly AA if this guy doesn’t get canned. If he would have said “if you aren’t a Christian then please get off the plane,” I would have left although I am a Christian. I don’t know much about why these people believe these kinds of things and my relationship with Christianity is tenuous at best, but I believe that a lot of things Christ said were basically rules for living a happy life. One of those is basically to have empathy for every human being its what Jesus did and isn’t that one of the points of being Christian? Acting like the way he did is fucked up and is in no way considerate of your fellow human being. All of these attempts by Christians to force ideology on others is total bullshit and is only fearmongering. If being a Christian is about fear and judging others then that’s not what I want to be. Fuck him and his goddamn hypocritical ideology. If there’s someone there he’s trying to convert then he most likely did more harm than good. This kind of shit is really scary to me because its just as scary as islamic fundementalism except that it is tolerated.

Its just the same as these fuckers writing books about how in heaven you’ll be a thinner prettier version of yourself in a paradise that is a mixture of Paris, New York, and Disneyland. These people are lunatics who have really gotten out of hand.

What you hellbound heathen don’t understand is that this here is a Christian nation, so it just stands to reason that Christians got more rights than other folks. They ain’t no such thing as freedom “from” religion, so if you all object to being preached at in a confined space, then you’re persecuting Christians!

Why, I feel the Spirit descending upon me, Y%&&%^&&h nkawdshikol8yh543t44t4t5t^&%&%BhhJ^%&UnhyJ^YUYTJBgfrhh%^Y%^ybty^%yGHY%^ %^TY^^H^H^&^U^&J^y7j^&J^7j67j67j56ndl.p;oi0980; g35544565ybgbgehyt45r54y569679576*^*^Hgjgjgj^&&unmsdrcg8o()()()(RT cha cha cha!

What really scared the passengers was this:

(from CNN).

The pilot was shockingly stupid to make that announcement. If I were on that flight I’d be furious.


But why Dorset?

Wouldn’t surprise me at all - I’ve seen much more ridiculous glurge than that making the rounds.