Eye problem: slightly pulsating vision

I have tried to do some online research (mostly google), but haven’t
been able to find any info, although I did manage to dig up one mention
of someone having a similar pulsation of vision (no cause was given).

Starting about a year ago, I have noticed that my vision “pulsates” very
slightly in time with my heartbeat (apparently). It is very slight (more of a distortion
than anything that’s a “thing” to see), and I believe it covers my whole visual
field (or maybe not; as I said, it’s very subtle). I usually only notice it
if I’m looking at a very plain background (such as a white wall of a room),
and it’s subtle even then. I would characterize the distortion as a slight
dimming or brightening of vision, NOT a distortion like a funhouse mirror
or anything. It does NOT appear to be getting significantly worse over time.

Another issue:
I have had 2 occasions in which I saw “sparks”. One time, I was sitting
in a chair, and I reached down to pick a pen off a floor, and when I sat
up, I suddenly saw “sparks” going in random directions for a few seconds.
Sparks happened a second time about a month later (a month before now),
but all I did was sit down that time.

Occasionally, when I look at bright light (such as when I looked out of
an airplane window onto the land below), the very bright light causes
very faint pink spots to move radially outwards (or inwards? I don’t remember).
Of course, I immediately avoid the bright light when that happens.

Background info:
I am quite myopic, and quite stressed. I have never
taken illegal drugs. A few months to a year ago, I saw
an eye doctor for a regular checkup sometime
after the pulsating started and the doctor saw nothing. (I did not mention
the pulsating, though. It was just a normal checkup.)

I don’t know if there’s really a problem, or if I’m just being a hypochondriac
and overreacting to perfectly normal behavior of the human eye.
I’m hoping someone out there has had a similar problem and can tell me
what’s going on.

Thank you.

why wouldn’t you mention this to the doctor?

are you going to wait until it IS worse?

i don’t know anything about your problem, but if i thought there was something wrong with my eyes i wouldn’t be able to get to an ophthalmologist fast enough.

I have the same things happen with me and am convinced I am perfectly fine.
You’re being a hypochondriac(spelling yours). Your eyes are fine. It’s the voices that you should be concerned about.

Flashes may be an indication of a detached retina. Other than that, I don’t know (and am not qualified to know), go see an eye specialist.

Do not delay seeing an opthalmologist. Speaking as one with way too much experience in this area, being blind in my left eye and having about 50% visual field in the other I cannot stress this strongly enough. If it is a detached retina, which is what cost me my vision, although in my case in both eyes, time is of the essence.

High degrees of myopia is a contributing factor to retinal detachment. The flashes can be a syptom of this. Are you seeing an increase in floaters?

If it is a detachment there are a lot of things they can do to help preserve your vision. Good luck, it is most probably nothing, but I strongly recommend having it looked at.

I will go see a doctor.

billy: I assume you’re being sarcastic. Also, “hypochondriac” is the correct spelling.

Not sarcastic.

The sparks he is talking about sounds like what the rest of us call a “head rush”…note he said he saw the sparks after bending down and straightening back up again. Classic head rush, and I see all sorts of crap when I get a head rush.

The “pulsating” to his heart beat are simply caused by pressure changes in his eyes as the blood comes through. I have the same thing if I look at stuff right. Money says you do to.

And to those alarmist telling him to run to the Doctor…read his post…he already went to the doctor and the doctor says he’s fine. He doesn’t need a bunch of Monday Morning Doctors telling him his retina is detaching when he’s already said he is a hypochondriac and his doctor says he’s fine.

No doubt his doctor asked about the sparking and if was a migraine, he would that by now by the icepick-through-the-head feeling that follows the sparking.

As for the being concerned about the voices…I guess I was more talking about myself.

I had the same thing with the “wavy” vision!

Went to the Dr. and found out my blood pressure was so high, I was in severe danger of a stroke.

When I mentioned it to the Dr. I was was told that wavy vision is one of the first signs of high blood pressure.

Since starting my BP meds there has been no re-occurance of the “wavies.”

Disclaimer: IANAMD. Don’t construe this as medical advice, just my personal experience. I would echo what others in this thread have said - get to the Dr. again and tell him about it. And check your BP several times. The lower number should not be above 90, IIRC. Mine was 135. It’s now down to 85.

I second the opinion of blood pressure problems. I had a problem that I was convinced was my eyes, and my eye doctor was smart enough to take one look and say “you either have a brain tumor or are about to have a heart attack.” He was very right (I had a pesudotumor).

PLEASE NOTE: When i went tot he eye doctor, I had much much much worse problems than you. I’m sure you don’t have a tumor or are on the verge of a heart attack, BUT I bet you may have high blood pressure.

I also learned that a doctor (any doctor) can tell a whole lot of stuff about your health from looking in your eyes with one of their instruments.