Looking for science/mathematics shirts!!

I’m looking for websites/stores that sell math and science shirts. I’m very envious of a friend who has some very neat shirts- two featuring Maxwell’s equation(s) for light, one approximating Pi to several thousand digits, one with the Rosetta stone, and some others.

I was thinking in specifically of finding a shirt featuring the Riemann Zeta function, or any other really complex/confusing-looking equation that most people wouldn’t understand. (I’m a pretentious math geek, I know). Anything related to science or mathematics would be considered.


ThinkGeek.com sell a t-shirt with the caffeine molecule on it. They have lots of computer themed stuff too.

“There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don’t…”

That sort of thing, you know.

A quick search for “math shirts” pulled up this. You may find other things with the same search.

Go to an AMS meeting, especially the Joint Mathematics Meetings (next January it’s in Atlanta). Look around the vendors.

Actually, I don’t much care for the “big and confusing” style of shirts. Sidney Harris’ cartoons make great tshirts (including the famous “then a miracle occurs” shirt). Then there’s a few variants on “And God said (differential Maxwell equations) and there was light”. My personal favorite is a Springer-Verlag shirt, featuring the S-V logo making a knight’s tour on the back. Normal people have tshirts of their favorite bands. I’ve got a tshirt of my favorite publisher.

Check any bookstore that’s on or adjascent to a college campus. I remember seeing shirts like you describe at several bookstores near UVA in Charlottesville.

My favorite math shirt:

I wear it when I can.

How about this or this?

http://www.cafepress.com/cp/info/sell/ lets you make your own shirt. I think you send them a jpg of the design you want, then they print it on the shirt, and you buy the shirt from them. I haven’t used it myself, but a friend of mine was pretty successful with it.

Of course, using someone else’s copyrighted material (e.g. stealing a design from a link in this thread, then selling it to yourself for a lower price) is probably not such a good idea.

Go here: http://www.booksmatter.com

Type “shirt” into the search box.

There are about 10 shirts (10 decimal, not binary), of which a couple are full of math formulea.


If you can’t find a shirt you like, try my favourite T-shirt trick. Go to any major office supply store and buy iron-on transfer paper. Make your own design, print, and iron on to any cotton clothing. I love this stuff!

Here’s a pretty cool T-shirt that depicts the world’s oldest recorded game of Go.

Sunce vs. Lu Fan, 196 A.D.

There are other famous Go games and classic Go strategy t-shirts within this store, as well.

I have that one. Unfortunately the T shirt itself is kinda chintzy. Is there some way to determine whether a T shirt is cheap or not? Maybe the weight or something?

thanks guys! All links have been helpful. I’ll post if/when I order/buy anything!

Keep ‘em comin’!

Grand unification theorists envision a a single equasion, small enough to print on a t-shirt, which could explain EVERYTHING that happens in the universe.

Can M-Theory be distilled into one single equasion?

My favorites:

[Pi symbol]
Irrational, but well rounded.
[A list of equations in the shape of a bottle between two vertical lines]
Absolut value

My favorite, spotted at a UNM physics symposium:

And God said:
[Long formula, presumably describing the emission of light from fusion within a star.]
And there was light.

Those are undoubtedly Maxwell’s Equations, either in differential or integral form. They’re the fundamental equations of the electromagnetic field (light).

I think a better variant is “… and still there was no light. Even He forgot boundary conditions.”