Me too!

Me too!

10 Q !

I am glad this has been resolved. I was losing sleep.

Looks like someone has been flashing back to their AOL days. Usenet used to be clogged with “me too” posts. Almost always from an AOLer.

Damnit, you’re being so pretentious, lissener


A beautifully minimalist pitting of a mindset. The lack of stated contempt simply oozes contempt. And truth. But is the truth, as Hitchcock observes, in the box? No, there isn’t room, the ambiguity has put on weight.

apologies to M. Python, Lt. Col, Ret., Mrs.


*:: wondering if Lynn Bodoni is still on Easter break:: * [to make this legit:]

Me - fucking - not.

Oh, big surprise. lissener agrees. Is there anything you don’t agree with, ass kisser? Christ.

I agree.
Fucking yes-man post-count-padding technique anyway.
(and let’s not forget the obligatory compliment from a stranger)
Y’know lissener, all your posts are so swell, and* right on the mark.*

Post does not = Reply.

This isn’t a rant. I’m not sure what it is, other than stupid.
