All those "terror alerts" to schools? Bogus. The guy was a city planner.

“Security moms” are being played for chumps by the WH and the media.

Fear! Terror! Be Afraid! Always, Always, Be Very Very Afraid! (and be sure to vote for GeeDubya!)

Funny montage:

So, by your own cite, administration officials debunked the terror claim. But you say the administration is using this instance to spread fear of terror. :rolleyes:

Aye, even the earliest reports of this story have included quotes from OCT and FBI spokesmen to the effect that a) the “alerts” were never meant to be made public, and b) the information on the disks didn’t appear to be sinister, and were probably related to civic planning.

In light of the Beslan tragedy, I think the OCT did exactly the right thing by quietly notifying the involved school districts that their evacuation procedures were being downloaded on the other side of the planet, while taking care to point out that in this instance there was no threat.

Perfectly appropriate. “Uh, people… um, we’re alright so far, but it might be a good idea to, you know, change your evacuation procedures and then, uh, keep them off the internet.” I don’t see a benefit to having very specific information like that available to anyone with an internet connection. School employees need to know procedures, students need to be drilled, and parents need to know where to go to pick up their kids in the event of an emergency. None of this is practically accomplishable by directing people to a web page.

The OCT identified a potential vulnerability and brought it to the attention of the proper authorities, so it could be corrected. Quietly.

Unlike numerous other situations, I don’t see any scare-mongering or cynical political motivation here.

Larry, thanks for catching me up on this. Thanks as always for over the years. :slight_smile:
