Son of MacArthur

Hiya peeps,

Was wondering if anyone knows what Arthur MacArthur IV (only son of Gen. Douglas MacArthur) actually wound up doing with his life. Most I have been able to find out was he changed his name and became a concert pianist and writer, but I can not track down anything he had published. Any information would be appreciated!




same thing

Hero’s son heard a different drummer

I had heard many, many years ago (circa early 70s) , eavesdropping on my parent’s acquaintences State Department / Foreign Service cocktail party chatter that his son was gay. Not to project, but to go to the trouble of changing your name from a name that could open doors for you, and become an unknown artist/writer in Greenwich Village, it does seem plausible that he was possibly gay, and didn’t want any a part of being a military “MacArthur”.

Ah, gotcha. Hadn’t heard that, not that there is anything wrong with it. =D


I’ve got an uncle who was part of MacArthur’s staff during WW II and Korea, and according to him, the reason MacArthur’s son changed his name was because “he was an idiot.” Now, given that my uncle refuses to discuss much of what happened during that time (because some of it’s still classified, supposedly), it’s difficult to get straight answers out of him, he did say that MacArthur’s son was considered a disgrace to the family. Certainly given the atmosphere of the time period, being gay would be considered a disgrace.

Hmmm… writer, living in Manhattan… shouldn’t he have changed his name to Charles MacArthur?

So far, all I see are vague inuendos and speculation.

If anyone has a factual cite for where/who he is after about 1970 or so, I’d love to see it.

I think that he really wants his new identity to remain hidden. There was a biography of MacArthur that I saw once, which stated simply that his son had changed his name and was basically living in an undisclosed location. From that, I’d speculate that the producers knew where MacArthur’s son was, what his name was, but didn’t mention it for fear of legal recriminations. Sorry to add more speculation to the thread.

Anyone know if he is alive or dead? =D


A copy of Jean MacArthur’s probate record (presumably filed in New York County, NY) might yield the name and address of her son.