Harry Potter and the Straight Dope Message Boards OR . . .

If you went to Hogwarts, what house would you be in?

Honestly, I’m pretty sure I would have been put in Hufflepuff when I was eleven. I was very much a duffer of a kid. I suspect I would have been good at Herbology and Charms, but there’s no way on Earth I’d have made it onto a quidditch team.

If I were inducted today, I think I would make Gryffindor. I’d take double Transfiguration and Care of Magical Creatures just so I could hang with Professor MacGonagall and Hagrid.

I think that I could have been in any of the houses, depending on the day I’ve had. That probably applies to most people.

Hufflepuff is for those who are loyal and hard working.

Gryffindor is for the brave and outstanding.

Ravenclaw is for the wise and academic.

And Slytherin is for the crafty or sneaky.

If I had to choose one it would probably be Slytherin. Not because I feel particularly evil, but because I like the emphasis it puts on independence, intelligence, and use of wits.

Plus I would probably suck at Quidditch.

P.S. Hi, sis. Aren’t you glad that I finally replied to one of your threads?

I’d either be in Ravenclaw or Slytherin.

I’m not sure which one, Slytherin always sounded like a lot of fun, except that it seems that only evil people go there…and I’m not evil. Well, not very evil anyway.

I’d be in either Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw. I was always a good student, and very quiet and studious. Plus I’ve always been loyal and hard working.

But of course, it depends on what house the Hat puts you in… :wink:

Yeah, you’d think they’d take note of the fact that they’re educating the kids who will grow up to be evil wizards and witches. Unless the point is to have the general magic community, especially future generations as represented by Harry et al., aware of who these evil punks are so they can keep an eye on them. I mean they already KNOW how dangerous Draco Malfoy’s dad is, fer crine out loud!

I like the way the books are a kind of parody of the British class system. Magic society is run by Griffindors and Slytherins, it seems, constantly duking it out.

Oh yeah, to answer the question…

I would hope the Sorting Hat would see fit to put me in Gryffindor…but I could easily wind up in Ravenclaw. I’d probably wind up as a polite and friendly witch working in one of the shops in Diagon Alley.

And I’d no doubt be awful at Quidditch too, but that really isn’t the kind of thing you ought to be concentrating on when you’re in school, is it? Aren’t there any other sports at Hogwarts where I can just get some exercise? I bet riding a broom hurts anyway.

Tough call. Someone lend the Hat a coin with Ravenclaw on one side and Gryffindor on the other. What do you do with…ahem…a wise and academic type who loves adventure?

I would make a good Keeper, I think, but I’d enjoy being a Beater more.

I would probably be in Ravenclaw but everyone would constantly make jokes/comments that I should actually be in Slytherin.

Let’s see, I’d probably be in Gryffindor, because I lack a certain amount of sensibility/fear, but I’d probably wish I was in Ravenclaw. I have an image of myself as a person of wisdom that the real me can’t quite reach. I’d like Defense Against the Dark Arts and History of Magic, I guess. And I’d look into Arithmancy, just to see what it is.

I’d be a terrible quidditch player, but that wouldn’t stop me from trying out for the team. (The old lack of sensibility comes into play here, watch me get smacked upseide the head a few times by the Beaters.)

Arithmancy would be the working of magick through the medium of mathematics. See the Dilbert in the Accounting Dept strips for an overview. A very tricky business, indeed.

Note: the above is a WAG. I’m a Muggle, too. Really!

The Sorting Hat would probably put me in Ravenclaw… quite a few people would disagree with putting me in Hufflepuff… not because I’m not loyal just cuz I’m not often one to work harder then I have to… Slytherin I might fit in rarely but probably not and maybe Gryffindor cuz at times I can be brave and outstanding… Ravenclaw would probably just be the best fit overall. Quidditch I would probably not do well at… but I might try out for the team anyway just for fun.

I don’t feel that I fit neatly into any of the houses.

If I got to pick it would be Gryffindor, obviously, but I think I’m more Ravenclaw, down deep.

Definitely Ravenclaw-- I am, was, and probably always will be first and foremost a scholar. As for the Hat, I’m not so sure that it does decide… Remember, the students who had a strong preference going in all got assigned quickly, and the Hat had that whole conversation with Harry before declaring him “Gryffindor!”

As I recall, Harry wanted to be Gryffindor very badly, but the Hat saw something dark in him and was thisclose to putting him in Slytherin. It seems it does make judgement calls on your character.

Alternative titles for the new Harry Potter book:

Harry Potter and the Quest for Total Market Saturation

Harry Potter and the Satanic Ritual Abuse

Harry Potter Gets Laid
Ok I realize this is not particularly appropriate for this thread but I work in a bookstore and I sold about 800 copies of Harry this weekend. I’m a bit out of sorts.

You should enter the David Letterman contest!

Betenoir, I feel your pain! Yay, another bookstore employee! One my coworkers suggestions was Harry Potter Four(fore)play: Harry Learns What To Do With His Magic Wand.

BTW, we ran out after 500 copies, goddamn Scholastic and for not shipping us the extra copies we ordered, and goddamn BookPeople for running out. ::grumbles::

I’m a Hufflepuff. I only wish I had what it takes to live in Gryffindor.

On page 209 of Harry Potter IV…at this rate, I’ll finish this book by Friday. Then I have to wait a whole damn year! <mutter, mutter>

FYI, here is this website.

Says I’m a Hufflepuff after all; a bit of the nose-to-the-grindstone type. Figures.

Hmmm, that site says I’m a Gryffindor. And I even picked black as my favorite color. Frankly, I think I’m probably in Ravenclaw or Slytherin. As a child, people were always telling me I was brilliant and I suppose that is where I would have gone.

I was not hard working, in fact, I was mind boggling lazy. So, not Hufflepuff. I don’t think I’ve ever been brave, so there goes Gryffindor. (Some people think I’m nuts, but nothing I do is especially dangerous.) I’m not sneaky, so there goes Syltherin. Wise? Other people can tell you you are wise, those lacking in wisdom are blissfully ignorant of the fact. But, I am loyal, academic, and I win at just about everything. (I would be a good Quidditch player - good eye hand coodination no real fear of heights, and I my teams always win, even when I suck.) So maybe I belong in all the houses.

Frankly, I think I’m a house elf.