Indian Winter

What was that and who thought it would be funny? Here we had Spring just springing all over the place. It was consistently in the 60’s (USº), which was nice, and even pulled up to the 70’s, which was even nicer almost to the point of being juuust right. Heck, last week peaked out in the 80’s, which I thought was a little excessive for this early in the year. Then, and then! I wake up Saturday morning to snow! Snow and ice and other wintry weather gook was all over the place. This did not please me.

The good news was, like I said it had been warm lately, so the ground was too warm for anything to stick around too awful long. It just melted away like a melty thing that melts pretty fast. So that was nice.

But it didn’t stay melted. Actually the winter weather gook that fell already did stay melted. It wasn’t like zombie snow that rises up from the ground it melted into. Man, that would be creepy, zombie snow. I wander what zombie snow would shuffle around looking for to eat. Regular zombies eat brains (braaaaaaains!) so what would zombie snow want? (snow coooooooooones!) I think it’s well enough we just don’t know. There are some places modern science shouldn’t meddle, and zombie snow is one of them.

But the next morning we got more snow! In May! A little frost in the morning is one thing, but snow? That’s just crazy! And while the stuff that hit the warm earth was done for, it kept falling out of the sky most of the day. Who’s in charge of this stuff? They ain’t doing a very good job of it.

On the upside: today- no snow. And it’s supposed to be reasonably seasonal on the weather front. Today anyway. Tomorrow, who knows? But it better not be no more of that snow stuff. It just ain’t right.

Umm… it ain’t May yet. You might wanna turn that calendar back a week Rue. Just so you won’t be confused and all.

I gotta agree on the weather thing though. What the #@%*$#!!! is going on? Geez! 38 USA degrees here this morning. High of only 60 yesterday. Same today. And windy! GRRRRRRRRRRRR!!! I want my south Jawja mid to high 80s with lows in the upper 60s back! That’s what it’s supposed to be right now. I want summer type weather to start cranking up. It will be May in six days. Start acting like it! The upside is by midweek we’ll have 80s and 60s again! YAY!

I’m glad you didn’t have to deal with zombie snow. Regular snow happenin’ when it ain’t supposed to is one thing. Snow rising up from the ground and snactchin’ snow cones out of the hands of little tykes would be too much, even in say January, let alone April.

So, how was everybody’s weekend. When I got more time, I have a tale of major appliance and furniture moving. Let’s just say that after last Saturday, the fact that ACBG is still stickin’ around means he must kinda like me or something.

One year (probably early 80`s) in Milwaukee we had 13 inches of snow on the eve of May 8th. Ripped down tree branches and power lines all over the place (due to the fact that all the trees were leaved out). Salt and plow trucks were tucked away for the winter and we were pretty much left helpless.

My roommates must think it’s June already. They keep turning the a/c on. I’m wearing flannel pajamas every night. Insanity! I went to a wedding this Saturday. Was fun, and I got the phone number of the cutest groomsman. I didn’t get it, however, until after he’d left. The matron of honor had to bring it to me, since the guy forgot. So now I have a little pale blue napkin with “Tara and Stephen, April 23, 2005” printed on it and his number written below. He crosses his sevens, just like I do.

Heh, I was at a wedding on Sat also, 'cept I didn’t get any groomsmen’s numbers. My wife would have been upset. This was the first wedding in the history of the world that had a groomsman that was actually a woman. Long story…

April. All this happened in April. That’s what I meant, but some typos even SpellChech is useless against. But you know the rhyme:
April showers bring May flowers,
And Mayflowers bring Pilgrims!

But actually it’s:
April showers bring May flowers,
And May flowers bring TornaDope!

Only, that doesn’t rhyme at all.

And I cross my sevens too. I’m just sayin’.

Where I live we got about two inches Saturday night. Thankfully I had was warm in the knowledge that I was friggin’ right. :smiley:

We went from 20 to 65 in two days. Winter just shut itself off and it was sunny and warm for a month, culminating in two days of 70+ temps. I knew better. Winters around here do not come with such a clear on/off. There’s always some last mess of something. Either it rains for the first month or we get snow.

I wouldn’t worry about the exact calendar date too much if I were you. By all objective evidence it’s still early March around here.

Must be global warming.

Nuh-uh! I was the best “man” at a friend’s wedding a couple years ago. He didn’t have any male friends he was closer to than he was to me, so he asked his fiancee if she would mind if he asked me to stand up for him. Since I introduced them to one another, she was more than willing. And she got her brother to be her maid of honor. (I wore a dress, the male “maid” of honor wore a tux. It was a pretty traditional wedding other than the attendant choices.)

But I was also a groomswoman in another wedding, back when I was in college, and for that one, I wore a tuxedo.

It’s cold here, too. I need summer.

I just knew the subject of today’s MMP would be that goll-durned white stuff. I feel for ya, rue! I remember a snow storm in May when I lived up in MA during the seventies. Alla the leaves was out then, too, and the poor Maple trees took a real beatin’ what with cracking branches and stuff. Later on in the eighties it was snowin’ at the end of May when I arrived in Jackson Hole, WY, with the Klingon. I was ready to turn back around and head straight to FL but OHHHHH NOOOOOOO, the Klingon wanted to stay and experience the mountains. :stuck_out_tongue:

We’re a shivery 57 USA degrees here right now and aren’t supposed to crack 80 USA degrees by the end-of-day. I won’t complain, though, cause there ain’t no zombi snow anywhere near FL that I know of.

ex, I just started reading Michael Crichton’s *State of Fear * which is all about global warming…or not. It’s a pretty good read so far. I like his novels cause of all the technical stuff he puts in like about usin’ frog DNA to clone dinosaurs and such. Now, don’t go tellin’ me that he maybe stretches the truth just to make his stories good, cause I don’t care. It’s fiction already! So there! :stuck_out_tongue:

I made a chicken stew for dinner last night. It came out pretty good cept the chicken all kinda shredded so I guess it was really a shredded chicken stew. But it IS stew, afterall.

Anyways, I suspect it actually is May somewhere…in an alternate universe mayhaps, so carry on.


Ok, I won’t tell you.

I didn’t know the Czechoslovakians were known for their spelling prowess. Maybe a SpellTudor would be better for checking your English.

Regarding the OP’s title, we have a name for this phenomenon (in my parts at least): blackberry winter.

Know what happens when building contracts get let to the lowest bidder? Ex gets stuck in the elevator, that’s what happens.

I just went outside and it didn’t feel at all like Spring, but it seems that the pigeons disagree with me. From the sound of things, they’re all really horny.

On preview:


It got all windy and rainy here and blew all the pretty pink flowers off my Japanese Crabapple Tree. :frowning: And Mr. Whia had to leave his “motorsikkle” in the garage and take the “winter car” to work. We wasn’t happy at ALL. At least the zombie snow is up on the mountain where it belongs.

Seven-crossing is good. I’m in favor.

No snow here. In fact my indoor thermometer says it’s 70 degrees F. It was a bit chilly during the night but my cats were keeping me warm until I got about around 6 am to use the potty. Then I decided to put on some sweatpants and a sweater for a little extra warmth. It’s probably a bit extreme to put on things named after sweat though, but they were handy and a blanket was not (being buried in the closet somewhere).

On Saturday there was a trampoline storm somewhere in the vicinity. There were heavy winds in a neighborhood and some damage done. There were apparently three trampolines flying around, bouncing off roofs and crashing into fences. The odd thing is no one in the neighborhood knows anyone with a single trampoline, let alone three. So apparently the weather has gotten so strange that it now rains trampolines.

Dang! It’s a new plague.

I used the number! I called Cute Groomsman and left him a message. Here we go again.

I think it’s going to rain here. It looks rainy.

Somewhere in a box I have the clippings from the paper in Hamilton, Ontario from the year that it had been nice for so long, the City decided to dismantle all the snow removal equipment for the season. Then we got the worst storm of the winter. It was right around this time, or possibly into May. The place was crippled.

Me? I haven’t seen a snowflake in seven years. Don’t miss it a bit. However, I wasn’t quite prepared for it to be over 100 degrees in Jacksonville on my wedding day - May 9th. I look awful in my wedding pictures, just dripping with sweat, I’m all shiny and my hair is stuck to my head. Ugh. But honestly, having had hypothermia, I’ll take perspiration anyday.

Bloody rain and stupid falling slush. Grr. It was so nice last week! I think high 70F if I’m translating into your silly degree-counting system correctly! 25C, anyway.

I am wearing a dress to work, in celebration of spring, which it isn’t. It’s layered and black and slit up one side. I’m going to spend the whole day making sure the slit doesn’t ride up. When I get into work Conservative Co-Worker will stare at me but not say anything. Actually, I wore a cute little vintage late 30’s red dress last week, and she stared at me. So that’s how I can predict her behaviour today.

The neck’s pretty low, too. Hmm. Maybe I shouldn’t wear things Mr. Lissar buys me to work. Eh, it’ll be fine.
The weekend was busy. Dance class, grocery shopping, and work. Tonight Driving Husband will be over, tomorrow I hope Attacks Things Randomly Husband will be over, and on Wednesday Other Quasi-Daughter arrives. I also have four days off this week. It’s going to be great.