Women, how do I get rid of this "area of fat"?

Women: you know when you’re wearing a bra or a dress, there are these little areas right beside your armpits that seem to protrude a little over your bra or dress. I’m sorry, I don’t know how else to describe it. Anyways, (if you know what I’m talking about) my question is, do you know how to get rid of it? I’m partly asking because I have a formal coming up and it kind of bothers me with the dress I’m wearing. I’m also just curious because my aunt complains about it all the time. My mother also wishes to know. Thanks.

That fat is part of your breast (if I’m thinking of the right part, in the back?). So, unless you get it sucked out, you’re going to have it. It’s part of wearing a bra, as far as I’ve been able to tell.

If it is part of your breast, you may be wearing the wrong size bra even if you don’t think you are. Go try on a bunch. If it isn’t, sorry, can’t help you.

It’s a normal part of your body that is supposed to be slightly hanging out of your bra. I worked for a bra manufacturer and the designer told me if they constructed a bra to cover that piece of breast tissue, you would wind up rubbing a raw spot in the crook of your arm pit.

The less you weigh, the less you will have, granted. But it is normal. I’m wearing a t-back bra right now and there seems to be less hanging out than normal. The bra I’m wearing right now is definitely the wrong size. Maybe try on different styles of bra to minimize the look.

To expand on this a bit, IANAD but what I’ve always been told is that you can’t really lose fat in one particular area (barring something like liposuction). Diet and exercise will help you lose overall body fat but you don’t get to choose where it comes from. Exercise, however, will help build muscle definition in particular areas and that will help those spots look good, especially if there isn’t much fat there.

Yep, got it in one. It probably bothers you much more than anyone else.

If you’re talking about the front, firming up your pecs may help. Try push-ups at home. Make sure you’re also standing up straight with your shoulders back. Curling your shoulders forward will make it worse. Also, make sure your bra fits correctly. Tight bras (especially strapless) can make it look really bad.

If you’re talking about your back (“back flab”), work on your lats. (pull-ups, bent over rows, etc.) Here’s good exercise for home. And as above, make sure your bra isn’t too tight.

My fiancee has dubbed this “armpit fat” and it is on the top of her to-do list for the wedding.

Well, “getting rid of arm pit fat” is on the list, but you probably knew what I meant.

dare_devil, I hope your aunt is complaining about HER armpit fat and not yours. :slight_smile:

Yeah, maybe you’re wearing a smaller bra cup size than you should be. I had that issue too, before I got refitted and discovered that no, I’m not a C cup, I’m a D cup.
Resistence training may help.

Er…yes, that’s what I meant. Hehe. Anyways, I am not going to do much about it. I feel awkward in my dress because it doesn’t have sleeves, only really thin straps. But, if it’s natural for girls/women to have it, then I’m fine with that. I am NOT getting it liposucked out…I’m going to follow tremorviolet’s advice and try to work on improving my pecs. Thanks, everyone.