Do we produce alcohol in our body?

Does the body produce alcohol on its own? I have been told that a couple bannanas can produce as much as once ounce of alchohol in a person, and a large person may produce a bit more as they have a larger “fermentation tank.”
I have never been able to find any research on the subject.
The argument is plausable, I guess. Yeast and sugar and warmth in the digestive tract. But on the other hand I dont think it stays long enough.


Humans sure do produce alcohol, or rather the microbes in their gut do. Under extreme conditions it’s even enough to register on blood alcohol tests.

However I doubt if two bananas would produce an ounce of alcohol even if they were fermented under ideal conditions. They sure couldn’t produce that much in the gut, which is far from ideal. kliin/vk/tillonen/ethanola.pdf

There is a tiny, little, still in each of us.
What a warm & loving thought!”—Homer, or at least it oughtta be. :slight_smile:

Our bodies producing alcohol? Impossible!

At least according to my mother, a notable teetotaler. Her theory was that since alcohol was bad for you, and God said your body is the Temple of the Holy Ghost (1 Cor. 6:19), and you would not defile a temple, therefore you should not drink.

And therefore your body couldn’t produce any alcohol either, since God wouldn’t violate his own rules. When confronted with the scientific possibility, she answered with authority, “Fiddlesticks.”

Hey, it’s got about as much logic as Intelligent Design. :slight_smile: