What limits athletes in peak condition

As a person exercises their stamina and intensity can go up. However is there a limit on how physically fit an athlete can become? If so, what is the bottleneck, is it the cardiovascular system, the muscular system or something else?

Quickly, without citation or too much explanation, in endurance athletes the limitations on VO2 max or other meaningful measures on maximum performance typically lie in cardiac output or blood volume. Basically, cardiac stroke size, maximum heart rate, etc. The exchange of gas between air and blood or blood and muscle isn’t typically considered a restriction.

threemae speaks the truth. One of the reasons cyclist Lance Armstrong is so dominating is that he has unnaturally awesome cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

Yes, just like some athletes in other sports have a naturally large amount of muscle or skeletal mass which might make you a hellacious defensive football lineman, basketball power forward or something like that. A lot of times it’s a matter of finding the guy that has the right combination for what the sport demands. From there, the mental game takes over.

I thought it was the EPO?

Well, EPO contributes to the performance of endurance athletes by boosting blood volume. Was Lance on EPO? Search around for me in the Pit and learn more than you ever wanted to know if you really feel like it.