Dog sneezes while playing. Why?

Our dog tends to sneeze during interactive play with us and other dogs. This doesn’t happen when she chases or plays fetch, but during rough-housing.

Anyone know what this is about? I did some google-ing and didn’t find anything.

How fortuitous. I just learned this from a dog behaviorist we hired after our dog bit another dog at a social kennel we take him to sometimes. For dogs, sneezing is a symptom of elevated adrenaline levels. Also, once their adrenaline is high, they operate primarily on instinct, rather than intellect. High adrenaline also greatly diminishes hearing, which is why dogs which are excited will often completely ignore your commands.

Can you tell how I spent my weekend?

Was any mention made of a human sneeze? My Siberian will run out of the room if someone sneezes. Right to her safety place under the dining room table. Weird.

Interesting. Our dog also starts sneezing frequently and quite violently when we get him roused up (pretending to attack him with our hands and that sort of thing, he’s a small dog.) It’s almost as humerous as the dog with narcolepsy.

that’s odd, because it reminds me of something I haven’t thought about for years and years.

The dog we had from my early middle school through college years would always sneeze when it was time for his daily walk. Of course he did other things at the same time, mainly consisting of a gentle whine building up into play barks accompanied with play-bows. But all along the while he’d sneeze about every minute or so. I haven’t thought about the sneezing in ages.

I don’t think human sneezing has anything to do with adrenaline. However, I would assume that because you are part of the Siberian’s pack and hopefully more dominant than her, she is interpreting your sneeze as a quick increase in your adrenaline and wants to get out of your way before you go all Incredible Hulk.

It’s pretty wild how much dogs’ behavior is affected by their interpretation of the dog-like signals we send them, usually unconsciously. Who goes through a doorway first, who initiates petting/playing, whether you interact with them standing straight up or leaning over them, it all has significant meaning to them. It’s crazy.

Nitpick: unconsciously should be unknowingly. That is all.

Actually it’s a tell. If you take a look at that famous work of art “Dogs Playing Poker” you can see the one on the left is clearly bluffing - eyes red from having just sneezed.

If ever you find yourself in the same situation, go all in!
