What things make you go 'bejibbly-jibbly'?

You know… that shaking/grimacing/groaning feeling that many get when someone runs their nails down a blackboard. But what else does it for you?

Me = that horrid air-sucking device that dentists use… I make them let me get up and spit.

Mrs. BlueLine = the idea of chewing (or watching someone chew) on felt or cotton.

What about you?

That Horrible Painting
jibblie, jibblie, jibblie, jibblie, jibblie, jibblie, jibblie, jibblie…

Yes, I made a derivative. Very onomatopoetic.

PS - I sometimes chew on my (cotton) undershirt when Mrs. BlueLine is looking, just to see her squirm. And then she beats me, which I deserve.

Hmmmmm…? :dubious:

No, that picture really does give me the “bejibbly-jibblys”

Also, any rought texture or uneven, such as coral, brushing over my teeth.

Isn’t it interesting that we all have jibblie moments over things interacting with our teeth? I hadn’t actually put that together until now… maybe someone knows why this is?

Isn’t there also something about chewing tinfoil that is supposed to do it for some people?

For me, it’s the thought of fingernails or toenails tearing off past the line where they are attached to the body. Ick. Just ick. I can read the goriest, bloodiest, most horrible passage in any book and be fine, until they start talking about someone grabbing for the edge of the cliff and missing, and fingernails peeling back (“Like wet decals” is how it was put in one book). My husband, who is well familiar with this little bugaboo of mine, sometimes takes great pleasure in showing me such a ripped nail, and telling me how he’s just gonna yank it off. I, in the meantime, look for the nearest heavy, blunt object to hit him with.

It was The Stand! I always skip that paragraph. :slight_smile:

Stretching elastic bands. Drives me insane. I am careful not to do it myself (I usually cut them, rather than stretch them, to remove) but have been driven from meetings at work by someone idly playing with one.

Imagine the fear in my heart when I had to get rubber bands on my orthodontics. Argh! Particularly when coupled with the standard disgust of horrible things rubbing against teeth. I managed to get over it, mouth-wise, because the alternatives were unthinkable, but I still can’t bear stretching elastics.

I have a friend who can’t bear foam, like what’s inside cushions.

I have a finger where that happened on one side - it tore down 3/4 of the way to the bottom, and it’s never grown back attached. Looks weird, and I never know quite how to trim that nail. :stuck_out_tongue:

The thought of losing a body part. How do people deal with losing a whole arm, or a finger, or even an earlobe? Jibblie jibblie…

I swear, if I make it through life without anything getting lopped off, I will consider it a “win”.

For me, it’s anything cutting or entering the eyeball. I seem to recall a scene in The Exorcist that showed a needle entering Reagan’s eye in the doctor’s office (do I have the movie right?), and it bothered me a whole lot more than any head-twisting, pea-soup projectile vomiting, blood-n-gore scenes!

Believe it or not, though, I used to wear contact lenses. No problem with touching the eye gently, just violence to the eye bothers me.

Other similarly high-frequency noises, like sharpening a knife with one of those big metal tools.

Me? My fingernails, more so than my teeth.

Yark! Same here. Ick ick.

Oh yeah, and the idea of catheters. That really freaks me out.

The sound or very notion of the front and back side of a piece of cardboard being separated. Or two pieces of construction paper glues together being torn apart. Same sensation. Can’t STAND it!

Indeed it was! I read that book at least once a year, and never manage to skip that paragraph!

::putting my fingers in my ears::
Lalalalalalaaaaaa. I can’t heeeeeear yoooouu! :stuck_out_tongue:

Anything to do with the eyes. I can not watch my wife or daughter putting in their contacts. Getting my own eye dilated almost puts me in bed for the rest of the day.

Once, during a college class, the gal next to me was having some trouble, and she turned to me and said, “Where is it?” I didn’t know what she meant until I followed the line of her finger up to her left eye where there was a blue contact lens way out in the corner of it. My eyes closed up like they’d been hit with pepper spray, and a firehose of tears cascaded down my cheeks.

Oh, man. I am “crying” even as I type this, and having to blow my nose as well.

I don’t freak out at most things, including the sight of my own blood, but this just puts me out of action (sniff).

right now, the fact that the google ads at the bottom are for rubber bands and acrylic nails is making me go bejibbly-jibbly. :smiley:

Yup. Any violence against eyeballs or fingernails makes me cringe. I was only able to get through the first half or so of this thread. With squinting eyes and my hands clenched into fists, I flee cringing from this thread!

For me it’s peach fuzz. Touching it with my fingers, or worse, my toungue, makes me shudder violently.

norinew - I’m the same with fingernails. The very worst form of torture would be having bamboo splinters shoved under my nails.

I can’t STAND the feel of paper – any paper – right after I take a bath, shower or wash my hands. It just feels too, I don’t know, smooth or something when there isn’t a bit of natural oil on the hands. I have to wait about a half hour after a bath to touch paper. It gives me the </Owen Meany> shivers <Owen Meany/>.

Pumice stones; I can understand how it’s a good thing to use these to remove hard skin from your feet, I just can’t understand how your’re supposed to hold them in your hand without…bejibbly…