MSDE 2000 SQL Server Installation Problem

I’m a user, not an admin. I’ve got some custom software that requires MSDE 2000 SQL server to run. I’ve actually installed this on five or so other units without problems, but now I’m having a hell of a time.

I have a 2003 Server. I’ve installed MSDERelA, and I’ve installed MSDE Admin. When I start MSDE Admin I look under MSDE Admin->SQL Server. Typically, this is where I see an SQL server with the same name as the PC.

But I don’t. There are no servers listed. I have checked and MSSQLSERVER is running under services.

So, I don’t know what to do from this point.

Can anyone help me out on this?


If the MSDE Admin is like the SQL Server Enterprise Manager the following should work:

If you right-click on the MSDE Admin tree you should have an option for “New SQL Server Registration…”. Clicking on this will bring up a wizard to add a server to the console. You should be able to select (or enter manually) the server name “LOCAL” or “localhost”. Integrated authentication should work.

Feel free to email me if there are continued problems.