Poll: Putting your finger close to your "third eye"

Ever since I was a kid, I noticed that if I put my finger, or any other object for that matter, close to my forehead between my eyes, without actually touching, I would get a weird feeling at that spot in my forehead.

The feeling is similar with open and closed eyes.

I was wondering if other people have tried this and if they also had a weird sensation when doing so.

I tested this on some of my friends with mixed results, most of them saying they feel nothing, but a couple saying they do.

I also tried searching the web, but all I found were some New-Agey stuff about the “third eye”.

So, the question is:
Do you get a weird sensation when putting your finger close to your forehead, between your eyes, without touching?


Yes, I also experience this. A sort of puckering, tingling feeling.

I used to believe that it also worked with eyes closed, but on further experimentation I found that the results were not conclusive with my eyes closed, if the conditions were such that I couldn’t use my other senses to guess when an object approached my forehead.

Wow, five minutes and no one’s stopped in to post a crack about pre-cum.

Odd place to have pre-cum, JohnBckWLD. You seen a doctor about that? :slight_smile:

I don’t seem to get the tingly feeling between the eyes at all. Probably not tuned correctly to the frequencies, right now. If I’m feeling tired, though, putting my fingers to that point helps me to think.

I’ll be damned. I’m not the only one! And like jjimm, it’s a puckering, tingly sensation. I’ve noticed that it’s stronger with eyes closed; whether I’m doing it myself, or someone is doing it to me.

Maybe I’m weird, but it’s sort of arousing for me.

Yes, I hate having stuff put near that spot. It seems to me that I can feel things even if they are half an inch away. I had a friend do a little experiment with me once and I could tell if her finger was above that area even if it was almost an inch above it. It is possible that I was able to sense it through air currents or shadows, so I regard the test as inconclusive.

Can’t do it, can’t really even think about it…it drives me crazy. Yuck! That tingly horrid feeling…
runs out of thread

Yes, I feel it. It’s not a pleasant feeling. Weird.

Can’t do it to myself, it’s just when other people do it to me. Aaargh, what a creepy feeling!

Round these parts we call it ‘messing with our Chi’. It’s always fun trying to describe it to people for whom it doesn’t happen.

I experience an odd sensation.

I doubt it is the power of suggestion, as I was convincec that I would not feel anything.

Hmmm…the Sinus Cavities are in that area.

A connection?


Nothing here, either. Great Tool song, though.

I didn’t buy it either, but soon found myself trying it. I felt it. I will be compelled to do this a hundred times a day now and tell everyone I know. Hopefully they won’t think I’m as goofy as I thought the OP was. :slight_smile:

Nothing here either. I thing you guys are imagining things.

Nope, though I do react strongly if someone’s finger is put 1/2 inch away from my first and second eyes. (Or “Why I don’t wear contacts.”)

I do feel (for lack of a better word) heat from that point, when I hold my hand a 2 or so inches away, as well as the other chakra points that isn’t in, say, my forearm. I assume that’s because of some biological reason like “there are a lot of blood vessels there” or something.


Aaaaa, yer all a bunch of saps. You’re just reacting to that slightly crosseyed feeling you get when your two REAL eyes try and look at the finger. Chakra shmakra.

It’s the same feeling I get when someone is standing too close behind me.