InvasionBodySnatchers-type film that is not IotBS???

A friend in her mid-twenties asked me if I could ID a film she recalled seeing in the mid-1980s. The plot was very much “Invasion of the Body Snatchers” but her details didn’t fit. She recalled it focused on a man trying to warn everyone about the “invasion” without any success & ended with his wife standing by a lake greeting him with a tone in her voice indicating that she had been taken over. Now, that sounds close enough the 1950s original, except my friend insists it was in color & not in 1950s-style clothing/sets. That’s not the ending of the 1978 Nimoy-Goldblum-Sutherland version at all. She is very specific about where she lived when she saw this so it also could not be the Abel Ferrara 1993 version.

So does anyone recall a IotBS-like film around that time? Google, Amazon & IMDB hasn’t helped yet.

No, she doesn’t recall who starred (she was around seven at the time), nor is she sure if the beings taking people over were aliens, androids, spirits or pods (she got the impression they were androids or aliens, tho she did not recall seeing any aliens in it, she was amused by my explanation of the IotBS pods- no. she hasn’t seen any version of IotBS).

Well, there’s Body Snatchers but that was 1993. Don’t remember if it ends at a lake either.

Could it have been an episode of one of the 80s TV shows (New TZ, Ray Bradbury Theatre?).

The cliche of a trusted family member turning to camera with glowing eyes/zombie voice/whatever in the final scene seems to be common, though for the life of me I can’t remember one, maybe “A Day In Beaumont” from the “New Twilight Zone.”

Sir Rhosis

“A lot of BS?”

Come on. I know all the cool kids like the abbreviations these days, but between AI, IotBS, PotC, and XM:TLS, I never know what the hell people are talking about.

Would it really wear peoples’ finger down to the nubbins to actually type out the whole title?

pssst, Eve…he did type it out…it’s the first part of the thread title…

No he didn’t – he couldn’t quite manage to include the “of the.” Taxing, that.

Ending of the one referenced:

The teenage girl and new hero boyfriend stafe the convoy full of pods with an attack helicopter.

I’m thinking she simply switched the people from the Nemoy version. She saw it 20 years ago so it’s possible.

On second thought, she is in her mid-20s and saw it in the mid-80s? She saw it when she was about 5? Good chance on remembering the ending wrong.

Possibly the TV mini-series The Tommyknockers (1993), from the Stephen King novel.