Diet Pepsi Jazz: 'Strawberries and Cream' and 'Black Cherry and French Vanilla'

Anyone tried these? We’re usually a test market here, so they may not be available other places yet.

Strawberries and Cream tastes like red cream soda. VERY VERY VERY sweet. I like sweet, but this stuff is over the top.

Black Cherry and French Vanilla tastes like cherry bubble gum. Also, very very very sweet.

You feel like you’ve eaten a bunch of bubble gum after drinking them.

Moving thread from IMHO to Cafe Society.

D’oh. Thanks, Czarcasm.

Are these available in a non-diet version? They sound like they would be tasty, but I’ve yet to find an artificial sweetener that doesn’t taste terrible.

I loves me my Diet Cherry Pepsi and all, but am I the only one who thinks all these specialty cola flavors is getting out of hand?

I tied the cherries and cream one, it has a plesant taste with not to bad of an arificial sugar aftertaste. The thing that got me was the aftertaste of the artificial strawberries. It was not horrible, but I don’t think I would try it again.

There’s also Caramel Cream, which tastes much better than the black cherry bubble gum flavor.

I actually like the strawberries and cream one. Dunno why, but I do. :smiley: I haven’t tried the cherry vanilla one or whatever, because I’m not nuts about cherry flavored colas.

I’ve tried the stawberries and cream and I liked it except for the aftertaste. When will they figure out how to make that diet aftertaste not taste like diet?

I like all the ‘flavored’ Diet Cola Drinks. I’ve pretty much switched from Diet Coke to Diet Pepsi because Coke doesn’t seem to want to stock the ‘flavored’ Diet Cokes in the store I shop (I buy almost exclusively the 2 ltr bottles). I also like the the flavored Diet Dr Peppers.

I like the caramel cream one, but I haven’t tried the others.

I wish Coke would make more flavors though - the diet Pepsi flavors taste a lot sweeter to me, almost too sweet.

I like the Dr. Peppers, too - especially black cherry vanilla! I tried the raspberries & cream Dr. P, but I thought it was foul.

I’m a bit of a Diet Pepsi addict - Lime is by far my favorite, followed closely by Vanilla and then Caramel Cream. The berry flavors just don’t work for me, Strawberry & Cream was cloying, like drinking perfumed syrup, only had Black Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper, but it also was just too much.

I can’t imagine putting rum in the berry flavors, so that’s another strike against them

I don’t like the strawberry one, but then again, I don’t like strawberries. I do like the caramel and black cherry versions.

I try and seem to love all the diet flavors that Pepsi has. But TOO sweet? No such thing.

Oh, do I adore that one. The strawberries and cream one is yummy as well, but Caramel Cream!

And really, I’m getting used to the diet pop taste. I’ll drink diet root beer, or whatever. The only thing is, why can’t they make Dr. Pepper in caffeine free?

Like this?

I want to refer you to this superb PIT rant by Euthanasiast back on 07-26-2006

*"Anybody want a rim job?
Thanks to the fresh, new and exciting taste of Diet Pepsi, Jazz, Black Cherry & French Vanilla, and for a limited time only, I will be tossing salads like a mother fuck just so I can get the taste of this rancid chipmunk spunk out of my mouth.

With a hook like, “Indulge your senses.” on the label I was certain that I had found a new favorite among the already shitty diet soda catalog out there, but what I didn’t expect was that the only senses getting indulged were Rallo’s, the recent parolee who is more hung than a three-balled Himalayan yak and has a nasty habit of jammimg a flaming oil rag in my mouth and packing it down with a vigorous Fight Club face-fucking!

And just what is contained within the swollen root-shaped plastic mcnasty bottle that can be used to fuck-start you when you black out from sampling this anal seepage?

Let’s see: Carbonated waste water from a slaughter house septic tank, caramel color, natural & artificial flavors (extract of ass & burnt baby doll hair), phosphoric acid, ass-partame, potassium benzoate (maintains bile-like aftertaste), citric acid, potassium citrate, caffeine, acesulfame potassium (never heard of that one before, but I bet a plug nickel that it assists in rounding out the rotten haggis flavor that sits in the back of your throat for about 3 hours after you partake in this carbonated abortion), and the screaming souls of a thousand dead children.

“For comments or questions,” the label informs me, “Call 1-800-433-xxxx”. Oh, you bet your fur I got questions, I got questions like Van Camp’s got beans! Like how in the fucking fuck did you get a Johnny Cash song in a bottle? and did your marketing designers do enough R&D to catch on to the fact that if you whack yourself in the nuts with a stapler while partaking in this taste bud holocaust it actually minimizes the sensation of your tongue being gang raped? I got lock jaw and night vision after drinking this shit!

So back your asses right the hell up and “Indulge your senses” as I work your sphincter like fucking Zamfir on Desoxyn and a double shot espresso. Whatever the fuck it takes to get the taste of Pepsi’s new “Can’t-get-it-off-my-mind-or-the-back-of-my-fucking-throat” savory, septic, dog shit delight!"*

Perhaps I should have said, why can’t I get it in my area. I’ve heard they do make it, but I’ve never been able to find it, dammit.


I tried this stuff because I misread the label and thought it was Black Cherry Diet Pepsi. That sounded nice. Whoops.

Black Cherry Diet Pepsi sounds ok. French Vanilla Diet Pepsi sounds ok. Beer is good. Ice cream is good. Mixing the beer and ice cream is an abomination unto the baby Jesus. BCFVDP is at the very least vomiting on the relics of a few minor saints.

Are any of these available caffeine free? I just can’t bring myself to try them if they’re not.

Which, if you think about it, is kind of weird. I mean, “Caffeine free Strawberries and Cream Pepsi Jazz” sounds like a few too many adjectives added onto Pepsi, doesn’t it?