10 year olds in bikinis on the modelling catwalk - Valid art or crypto child porn?

In this article via fark, the article really doesn’t make much of an impression until you see the little girl (maybe not even 10) in the not so little girl bikini. I don’t consider myself prude, but I though this was a bit over the line.

Have you seen Little Miss Sunshine? It creeped me out far more than that photo.

There’s nothing crypto about it. There’s a huge difference between kids in swimsuits playing at the pool, and kids in swimsuits modeling on catwalks in an oversexed industry.

??? :confused: ??? It’s a little girl in a swim suit. She doesn’t look sexy at all. She’s not wearing a tonne of make up, she’s not wearing hooker shoes, she’s just showing a swimsuit.

I don’t get the big deal AT ALL.

Maybe I haven’t been to the beach enough lately, but are little girls suit bottoms usually cut that low across the bikini line these days? It looks like a grown woman’s sexy low cut bikini on a little girl.

Inappropriate and tasteless, IMHO - I didn’t care for Cindy Crawford’s daughter’s modeling, either. Let kids be kids.

Why do people think it’s a good idea to sexualize children? For what reason? To expose children to fashion? Yeah, that’s all we need, more vapid, materialistic women.

This discussion reminds me of all of the hoopla about child models after the death of JonBenet Ramsey. Her death has nothing to do with this discussion, but it was brought up about the moral wrongs of children doing this ‘sexy’ modeling, striking adult poses, etc.

Children will continue to be models, actresses, singers, etc. However, the line has to be drawn somewhere. If I were to see my daughter come out in a bikini like the one provided by the OP, she would be back in her room in 1/2 a second. It bothers me when my wife wears stuff like that, let alone my little girl.

IMO, it is wrong and I have no idea who it really appeals to.

It’s a little girl in a swimsuit that’s clearly meant for women more interested in looking sexy than swimming, fer pete’s sake! Look at the lighter area between suit and belly button, where her regular swimsuit bottoms normally cover.

Out of curiousity, are you okay with the tight, low-cut pants with sparkly sequins spelling “Princess” across the butt for little girls? That’d bother me, even though the girls in question aren’t showing skin for instance.

I’m a seventeen year old girl and I wouldn’t be caught dead in that. The bikini top is far too small by proportion to be considered wearable by any level-headed female, as is the bottom half. Whoever came up with this idea ought to be smacked by angry mothers. Who agrees to send their child out in that anyway?

On second thought, don’t answer that - I’ve seen some interesting ensembles on children far too young to dress themselves and their mothers are often similarly dressed.

You know; it’s weird. If I saw that little girl on the beach with that on, I wouldn’t think twice. _But seeing her on that catwalk like that somehow seems wrong.

But honestly it’s not something I can get myself worked up about.

Meh, I had a bikini like that when I was eleven. I didn’t wear it on a catwalk, though.

Me, I’m more disturbed by the lower-back tattoo (fake, I’d wager, but still) on the Crawford spawn in the linked photo. Bikinis are one thing, but since when is THAT appropriate for a little girl?

It could be a temporary tattoo. In fact, I’d bet it is.

The catwalk photo doesn’t bother me too much because the model still looks youthful. My girls wore two piece suits when they were her age, though nothing that low cut. If she were vamped up, it would bug me.

Until all the hoopla about child molestation and so forth happened, girls that age used to wander around without any top on, because they didn’t look any different from boys that age. They weren’t sexual, in short. Now people have become so focussed on the interest that perverts have in children that any exposed flesh becomes “peddlling flesh for the molesters.” Seems a bit of an over-reaction to me. Normal folks shouldn’t set have to set their standards by what pedos like.

Five-yr-olds? Perhaps. Two-yr-olds? Definitely - and they still do (mine spent most of the summer running naked in their backyard).

But 10-yr-olds? No way.

Why wouldn’t I be? They’re little girls, and totally non sexual as far as i’m concerned.

FWIW - I had a suit like the one in the pic when I was that age. I know because the top used to fall off because I had no boobs, because I was 10.

really - it seems like people are looking for somethign to get worked up about

Could someone please give me a reasonable explanation why you would think that having a very young girl in a mini string bikini or pants/sweats/shorts with something written across their ass is a good idea? What is the motivation? That’s what I can’t figure out.

Strangely enough, in my mind, naked is ok, up until the time about 8 or so, maybe 10. It’s at least natural, to a certain extent. Running around in the yard, get wet, get dirty, whatever, they’re little kids. But dressing them like little hookers is beyond me. Why, oh why?

I’ve tried that. It’s actually not as easy as it sounds.

First you need to get a good grip on the angry mother’s ankles. This can be problematic if they’re resisting. I recommend duct tape around the legs and a good stern talking-to.

Second, you need to swing the angry mother around to get good momentum going. Let’s say it’s a tiny angry mother. That’s still a good 110-130 lbs., or about 3 40-lb. sacks of flour, all tied together. You gotta be pretty strong if you can swing her around with enough force to get her head off the ground. And if she wasn’t resisting before, she will be by now. I recommend a back brace and ear plugs.

Lastly, as impressively fierce as angry mothers appear in their natural habitat, when weilded as a weapon they are surprisingly ineffective. You could try to attach a few rows of spikes to inflict extra damage, but why spend more than you have to?

No, what you really need for smacking fashion industry pedophiles is a good solid oak baseball bat. I recommend the larger variety, with rusty nails sticking out. In addition to giving the fashion industry pedophiles a damn fine smacking, the bat will also come in handy when you must fend off angry mothers who object to being used as a weapon.

Of course, your mileage may vary. I am neither a lawyer, a doctor, or a homebrew weapons expert. Do your homework, and experiment with various techniques, before you approach either angry mothers or fashion industry pedophiles.