3 Lbs. - Anyone watching?

I liked it…as much as I saw before I nodded off (which is not a sign of the worth of a program for me…I fall asleep during all my favorite shows).

What happened? The lawyer brother ranted and frothed about the surgery being too dangerous, they knocked her out so she couldn’t be influenced to forego the operation, and then…zzzzzzzzz


Honestly, it doesn’t matter that much. The show just got cancelled - effective immediately. Tuesday at 10 is a real death slot for CBS.

As for your question, they saved her, of course.

Oh, well, that makes my decision much easier.

We had watched the pilot, and deemed it “Ok…we’ll give it a chance”. We’ve DVR’d the ensuing few episodes, but hadn’t had time to watch them. I was contemplating just deleting them – now getting rid of this show is a no-brainer.
Pun very much intended.

Linkety-link about the cancellation.

I was in pretty much the same boat (although I was caught up on the DVR). It wasn’t great so far, but it looked like maybe it had some longer term potential. I really would have liked to see them lose a patient though. The “miracle surgery of the week” gig was already getting boring.

Damn. I love brain stuff! I guess they were a season too slow on the “Let’s make something look a little like House” bandwagon.