No more daily Foxtrot

From here

I for one will miss the adventures of the Fox family every day. But at least we’ll still have the Sunday strip.

Bummer. That totally sucks. That’s the only strip I read every day.

That will leave me only two daily strips, and I read Dilbert out of habit rather than the humor of the past. Userfriendly is the only daily I will have that produces a good laugh often.

I wonder if Amend is having health problems. Otherwise, why cut back on a popular strip?

Or is he just burning out a la Waterson and Larson?

Mods, upon reflection I probably should have posted this in Cafe Society. If you could oblige I would appreciate it.

I came in here thinking that you were going to stop reading it daily.

This is much worse. It’s the only comic I read every day. If I’ve off the computer for a few days, I even catch up on the ones I missed.

Off to Cafe Society.

Cajun Man
for the SDMB

Bummer. One of my daily reads.



Although admittedly, the Sunday strips are usually better than the dailies.

Maybe, but the dailies allow a storyline and character development over the span of 5, 10, or even more days. The Sunday strips are almost always just stand-alone jokes. They’re only funny because the daily strips allow you to understand where the characters are coming from.

One of my favorite strips too - <cries>. Why do all the good cartoonists quit, and the bad ones go on forever?

Pretty sad, especially since my newspaper will undoubtedly replace it with some “family oriented” piece of crap like “One Big Happy.”

It is a shame, but it brings us one step closer to the complete collection. That’ll be a great (big) book.

If the good ones didn’t quit, they’d become the bad ones who go on forever. Remember, even Garfield used to be funny.

Bill emailed me once, implying that he would be hanging it up when his current contract ended.

Well looks like it ended. Glad he decided to stick with Sunday-onlies, tho I wonder how many
papers will drop Foxtrot completely once the dailies are no longer made?

I’ll be first in line. Foxtrot has been my favorite comic strip since Calvin & Hobbes ended. :frowning:

I teach high school physics and Amend (a physics major in college) has provided a lot of good, geeky, laughs for me and my students. I sometimes include one of his strips on the last page of my tests. At one point I had a whole bulletin board filled with science-related comic strips (many of them brought to me by my students) and probably over 70% of them were Foxtrot strips.

At least we still have Sundays.

Oh man! The first thing I do in the morning is read Foxtrot and Dilbert.

Bummer :frowning:

I remember when Garfield was funny. I think it was the early Eighties. He was much better than Heathcliff. Is that rotten egg gone now?

For anyone in the computer world, I recommend UserFriendly very much. You can read all the way back to the first strip if you want. Look for occasional homages to Bloom County and Cthulu references.


Damn. I’ll miss Jason and Quincy. I won’t miss Paige very much, but Foxtrot has been pretty consistently funny over the years.

Heathcliff is still around, outliving his creator, George Gately.

This sounds like it was written by Jason himself.

I’ll miss FoxTrot too. Here’s hoping that Amend finds something to occupy himself with, but I’m glad he’s still doing it weekly in the meantime- I’m still waiting for Dave Barry to come back!

I echo the various "drat"s and "damn"s. At least we’ll have Get Fuzzy. And—this goes without saying—Mary Worth.