The Spy Who Lived (Me)

I was discussing James Bond last night with a friend, and it suddenly struck me that several of the features of the literary Bond (although not the cinematic one) were familiar:

1.) He has a scar on his face

2.) His parents were killed together

3.) In his youth he attended a British boarding school

4.) He excelled at a sport

5.) He studied secret, arcane subjects

6.) He has a hugely powerful enemy who keeps trying to kill him, and who controls a secret shadowy organization

7.) He has an older mentor who keeps calling him to his office

8.) He keeps getting trick gadgets that, for instance, show him the locastion of his enemies, or let him secretly listen in on conversations.

Ya gotta wonder if Voldemort pets a longhaired white cat or something. Did J.K. read Fleming?

“Now pay close attention, Harry. This is the latest model Aston-Martin Nimbus 2100. We’ve added a few modifications since you used it last. We’d appreciate its safe return from the Field…”

But Harry always has the same female sidekick. He needs to spread it around some.

Aside from the scar and the boarding school, you seem to have also described Batman.

Batman’s scar isn’t physical, but that makes it no less real.

What do we know of Bruce Wayne’s precollege education? The youthful heir to a megafortune doesn’t typically attend an American public school. Did young Bruce go to the Gotham Private School for the Criminally Rich?

After further review of the OP, it seems to me that in the Harry Potter world, the Ministry of Magic would want to establish a joint office with British Intelligence. Call it… MI-6-2/3?

“Good morning, Harry. Your mission, should you choose to accept it…”

“Even if you choose not to, we’ll just cast Imperius on you, so listen up…”

Perhaps Hermione is Harry’s Miss Moneypenny.


On Her Majesty’s Magical Service

Dragon Eggs Are Forever

And SPECTRE would be more than simply an acronym.