Need to delete malware called Virusbusters from laptop

I lent my notebook computer to my best friend’s nephew Wednesday. I got it back with about 600 mg of porn videos (already deleted) and an annoying malware program called “Virus Bursters.” He had turned Norton Security, you see, as it was interfering with his bestiality downloads.

I killed him, of course, snapped his neck like a twig. But while I await his return as a revenant, can anybody point me to instructions on getting the malware off?

Suggestions on how to kill the nephew once he arises again are also welcome.

Try Spybot and Pocket Killbox, there are instructions on the net on how to use both effectively.

I just got rid of this, killbox had issues with deleting it, but some well timed clicking on ‘end task’ on task manager and killbox ‘backup and delete file’ got it closed and deleted. One of the offending processes should be killed before the other will die, trial and error. Ad-Aware got rid of a bunch of registry entries Spybot missed. Good luck!

I had the same problem recently, and found that none of the anti-virus or anti-malware programs would get rid of it permanently, it’d just re-install itself every time.

After trawling the 'net, I found these length instructions, but I followed them properly and my computer has been fine since.

Good luck…

How to remove VirusBursters

Includes full step-by-step instructions and links to necessary free tool downloads.

Many thanks to all who answered. I actually found this one yesterday and applied it this morning; it rocks.